Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. Mags thought I should fill you in on what we've been doing and why we took a short break. I'll be as succinct as possible.
Everything is going as well as we can expect it to now, but our dad had to have some emergency eye surgeries (for a detached retina and a tear in his retina) in Kansas City (about 2-2 1/2 hours away) - and lots of followup trips. We went with Mom and Dad for a lot of reasons, especially because they didn't know how long any of the trips would actually take. So ... here's what we did!
The first trip was to the Emergency Room at the University of Kansas (KU) Medical Hospital. We did what's called "Hanging Out In A Parking Garage". It looks like this:
"Zzz ..." |
"Zzz ..." |
Mom was with us and said we were "very good puppies". We got to have a potty break, but it was crazy there, so Mom didn't get any photos.
The next morning, we had to go back to Kansas City to the KU Eye Center. Fortunately, it's in a more suburban place, so while Dad was at his appointment, we got to have a nice walk:
Me and Mags in KC, KS |
It also had a nice parking lot, so on our trips there, we did lots of people watching.
"Person!" "Cool! Let's stare!" |
After a few trips to KU Eye, Dad had to go back to KU Med for another surgery. Mom and Dad didn't know how long it would take, so fortunately for us, Mom packed a few meals for us. It turned out that Dad's surgery was delayed by 4 hours, so we had quite the wait. We tried something called "Parking Garage Dining":
"It's like our normal kibble, Raggi, only in a rubbery bowl." |
"It tastes just as good! And we even get a nice, big tablecloth!" |
We were up on the third floor of the parking garage, so to get to where we could take potty breaks, we had to do something really strange - cram into this tiny room that moved!
"Mags! The floor's moving!" "It's called an elevator, Ragnar. I've been in these before!" "Very good puppies!!!" |
We only took short walks there, because it was a very congested area:
"Ooh! Found something!" "Don't let Mom catch you, Ragnar!" |
We rode in the elevator several times!
"Mom? Hi, Mom!" "Got something!" |
Anyway, we've made 7 or 8 trips to KC so far and are all doing our very best to take care of Dad. He's doing well and even is out walking with us again! YAY!!!
Thanks again for asking after us. We're so thankful that things are going as well as they are!