Who We Are

Monday, February 28, 2022

This Morning's Walk

Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar! We had a GREAT walk this morning - we got to go to The Top Of The World! We hadn't been there in a while, so it was extra-special!

Here we are, heading out on the trail:
"The Top Of The World, Ragnar!!!"
"I can see it from here, Mags!"

In the second part of the park, we took the route farthest to the west:
"The 'ball people' and their unruly dogs are up ahead somewhere."
"The people are kind of unruly, too, Mags."

We mentioned the "ball people" near the end of this post.  To further avoid them, we got to go into the WOODS!!!
"This is SO COOL!!!"

I got to lead the way.   I love doing that!  And I love the woods - we hardly ever get to go through there.  Well ... not enough for me, anyway!

Up at the Top, Mom asked us to pose.

"Great.  How's this, Mom?"
"Perfect, Ragnar!  Umm ... Mags?"
"I think I see the 'ball people' down at the bottom ..."

Mags said either she or I should look at the camera, but certainly not both of us at the same time.

"Your turn, Maggie."
"OK.  Hey, Mom!"
"Umm ..."

I don't make the rules around here, I just make sure to follow them.  ESPECIALLY Maggie's!!!


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Studio Jousting And Zoomies

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. Pursuant to my post yesterday about Ragnar and me holding off on zoomies and Snooter Jousting until we hit the Studio ... YES, that happened! We zoomed with enthusiasm, we jousted like crazy, and our mom? She sat there and watched us. Did she take any good photos? Here's a hint: what rhymes with "snow" and starts with an "n"? Oh, sure, she got some super blurry ones (something about "faster than she can shoot") but they aren't worth sharing. 

Here are the best "action" shots she got; first up - me:

"Now THAT was a great jousting event!!!  Zzz ..."

And here's Ragnar in the Inner Studio:

"Some day I'll be as fast as Mags ... zzz ..."

We'll try again this afternoon!  Mom really needs to step it up!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What's Shakin'?

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags.
"Hey, everyone!  What's shakin'?"

There is absolutely nothing going on here. Ragnar and I are holding off on zoomies and Snooter Jousting until we go downstairs. We'll try to get our mom to take some snaps down there. Happy Saturday!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Friday, February 25, 2022

New Snooter Rest

Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. I just found out that the light in Mom's inner Studio makes a great snooter rest!
"Oh.  Uh ... hi, Mom!"

Until Mom points a camera. Then, as Mags likes to say, "Act casual!"


Thursday, February 24, 2022


Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. Ragnar and I were trying to have an early-morning, but ...
"Since it's a million degrees below zero again and no walkies, that'll mean extra zoomies, 'K?"
"Yeah!  Snooter jousting, too, right?"

"Oh, absolu--quick!  Act casual!"
"Oh.  Uh ... hi, Mom."

As I said, we were "trying" to have a meeting.  Oh, well.  Ragnar and I are always on the same sheet of music; the meeting was just a formality!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Put It On Pause. Or Is That "Paws"?

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. Ragnar and I were having a great evening Snooter Joust last night, when I realized the mystery show Mom and Dad had on was coming to its big climax.
"Oh, hang on, Ragnar!  It's the big denouement!"
"I'll bet you already know who the murderer is!"

Well, I DID have a pretty good idea of whodunnit, but it doesn't hurt to be sure!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Monday, February 21, 2022


Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. Yesterday, Mom took me on a bit of a "bonus walk" -- just the two of us. To reward Mom, I did some nice posing for her.

Pose #1:
Me!  Polargold's Einherjar!

And Pose #2:
Me again!

Which one do you like best?


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Serene Scenery Sunday - Back To CiCo!

Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. In order to make our Sunday as serene as possible, we headed back to CiCo Park this morning to see if the horses were still there!
"They're still HERE!  I hope they come over to see us!"

(We don't want to disturb any-horse, so we wait and see who would like to approach us!)  We waited and ...

"Mags, is that your friend from yesterday a bit further down?"
"Oh ... yes!  I need to go say hello!"

Maggie is SUPER good at making friends with all animals - as am I.  She and this one horse really hit it off yesterday, so she went down to say hi.

"Maggie!  You came back!"
"How could I resist?!?"

I was communing with this horse with the white stripe down his muzzle; Mags wanted to pay her respects, too.

"Sköl, horsie friend!"
"I think her name's Winnie, Raggi."

I also spent some time with these guys:

"Oooh!  Did you find something tasty?  Do your people ever tell you 'nononosnarfing'?"

Lucky horses!

Here's a group shot of some of our new friends:


I think they didn't want us to leave. Mags and I didn't want to, either, but we still had some mileage to put in!

Mags wanted to say one last minute goodbye to one of the horses ...

"Best of luck at the rodeo, new friend!"
❤ little pup!"

... and then we headed out on the rest of our route.

What an incredibly serene morning! We LOVE seeing friends - especially HORSES!!!!



Saturday, February 19, 2022

Great Surprise!

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags! What a great surprise we had on our walk this morning!

First, we went up to the top of the hill by Hudson Trail and struck a pose on the limestone chunks:
Polargold's Margaret Thatcher AND Polargold's Einherjar.

It was great out - cold, but not windy, lots of sun. The plan was to go on a route that takes us all the way down Hudson Trail, then past the middle school. When we got down by where we turn to head under the big road, though, we needed to detour around a "situation" (woman with an unruly dog on a retracto leash). Mom thought we'd just go to the park instead. AND ...

... when we got to the park ...
"Oh, now this is worth the detour!  Ha roo, horses!"
"Hi.  We're here for the K-State rodeo!"

What an awesome surprise! SO much better than going to the middle school!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Friday, February 18, 2022


Greetings to all! It's me, Mags! Ragnar and I were in the midst of our afternoon Snooter Jousting when ...
"Can we help you?"
"Uh ... hi, Mom.  Nothing to see here.  Really."

We'll get back to jousting shortly; we sort of lost our momentum.  Trust me, it's only temporary!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Grey Area

Hi everybody. It's me, Ragnar. Mags and I have bneen helping our mom with a very special quilt recently. Now ... is it just me ...
"I think a grey and white wolf would be nice in here, Mom."

... or does this need some grey?

Just my two cents.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Trying It Out

Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. Mags was under the kitchen table where I usually do my Smooshyface pose the other day - so I decided to see what I could do in the living room.
"Hmm ... yeah, I kinda like it ..."

What do you think? It was pretty comfy!


Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine's Day


She does have treats, doesn't she, Raggi?

Yeah, pretty sure, Mags.

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!

Mags and Ragnar

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Serene Scenery Sunday

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. Raggi and I decided to share a couple shots from one of our recent walks with you. It sort of covers both Serene Scenery Sunday and that other thing going on today - Super Pose Sunday. Right? Something like that! Anyway, we were out on one of our favorite routes and did some super posing for our mom.

Here we are on a couple limestone chunks under some Cedar trees:


We posed better here, only my blue eye is partially shut:



And here we are out on the trail:


Whether you're looking for a little serenity today or are caught up in Super Pose Sunday, we hope you have a wonderful time of it!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, February 12, 2022

What Do You Mean?

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. First off, thank you one and all for the well-wishes for our dad. We truly appreciate it! He has a lot of healing yet to go, but we remain hopeful!

Up until yesterday, we've been walking only Mom on the days we've been able to go. One day, we went to Anneberg Park - one of our favorite routes! Here we are on the Perimeter Trail:
"This is great, huh, Mags?!?"
"I'll say!  So many smells!"

Things were going swimmingly well until ...
"What do you mean 'we aren't going across the bridge'?!?"
"Yeah, Mom!  We the bridge!!!"

"Whew!  That was a close one, Mags!"
"Nah, I knew she'd cave."

"OK, you two!  Can we get going?"
"I think we're going to sit and soak it up for a bit, Mom."
"Yeah.  Soak it up.  And look for trolls."

Mom may talk a tough game, but she can't say 'no' to us.  Not on stuff like that!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Friday, February 11, 2022

What We Were Doing

Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. Mags thought I should fill you in on what we've been doing and why we took a short break. I'll be as succinct as possible. 

Everything is going as well as we can expect it to now, but our dad had to have some emergency eye surgeries (for a detached retina and a tear in his retina) in Kansas City (about 2-2 1/2 hours away) - and lots of followup trips. We went with Mom and Dad for a lot of reasons, especially because they didn't know how long any of the trips would actually take. So ... here's what we did!

The first trip was to the Emergency Room at the University of Kansas (KU) Medical Hospital.  We did what's called "Hanging Out In  A Parking Garage".  It looks like this:

"Zzz ..."

"Zzz ..."

Mom was with us and said we were "very good puppies".  We got to have a potty break, but it was crazy there, so Mom didn't get any photos.

The next morning, we had to go back to Kansas City to the KU Eye Center.  Fortunately, it's in a more suburban place, so while Dad was at his appointment, we got to have a nice walk:

Me and Mags in KC, KS

It also had a nice parking lot, so on our trips there, we did lots of people watching.

"Cool!  Let's stare!"

After a few trips to KU Eye, Dad had to go back to KU Med for another surgery.  Mom and Dad didn't know how long it would take, so fortunately for us, Mom packed a few meals for us.  It turned out that Dad's surgery was delayed by 4 hours, so we had quite the wait.  We tried something called "Parking Garage Dining":

"It's like our normal kibble, Raggi, only in a rubbery bowl."
"It tastes just as good!  And we even get a nice, big tablecloth!"

We were up on the third floor of the parking garage, so to get to where we could take potty breaks, we had to do something really strange - cram into this tiny room that moved!

"Mags!  The floor's moving!"
"It's called an elevator, Ragnar.  I've been in these before!"
"Very good puppies!!!"

We only took short walks there, because it was a very congested area:

"Ooh!  Found something!"
"Don't let Mom catch you, Ragnar!"

We rode in the elevator several times!

"Mom?  Hi, Mom!"
"Got something!"

Anyway, we've made 7 or 8 trips to KC so far and are all doing our very best to take care of Dad.  He's doing well and even is out walking with us again!  YAY!!!

Thanks again for asking after us.  We're so thankful that things are going as well as they are!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Thank You!

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags!
"Ha roo!"

Ragnar WAS going to do this post, but ...
"So tired ... so very t-zzzzz ..."

Yeah. That's pretty much how I feel, too. We've been putting in a lot of overtime over the past couple of weeks, and Mom and Dad said we've been "perfect". Well, c'mon!  We're Siberian Huskies, what did they expect!?!?!  (That's purely rhetorical; no need to speculate.)

Anyway, even though we're exhausted, we do want to thank everyone for the warm welcome back! We appreciate it very much and missed all of you!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Wednesday, February 09, 2022