Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar. As you all know, it's election season here in the great US of A. Maggie and I have been working very hard, doing our civic duty, helping our mom and dad deliver campaign fliers for a friend running for a local office. What can I say -- we're Working Breed Dogs!
We covered our whole district, which basically is where we walk a lot of the time anyway - except we don't normally walk all the way up to peoples' doors. Anyway - the other day we did a bunch of fliers and thought we'd show you how that went!
First, we headed down the Water Tower Trail!
"Pretty sky this morning!" "It sure is, Mags!" |
Some of our leaves are changing colors!
"Look at the yellow one!" "I think that's a Cottonwood!" |
What can I say? By virtue of being a boy dog, I'm more into trees than Maggie is.
We covered the area up by the golf course that day, to include some apartments.
"This is where that Great Dane lives!" "Hey! Good morning, Big Guy!" |
Dad was the one who walked up to the vast majority of the houses, so Mom tried to keep us entertained.
"How about you two strike a pose while we wait?!?" "Can anyone see us? I'd hate to give people the wrong idea. We're WORKING here!" "I smelled Zuke's in her bag earlier ..." |
We decided it would be worthwhile. The treats were a happy coincidence.
OK. Not really.
We gave it our best:
"Smile, puppies!!!" "Yeah, whatever." "Hi, Mom! How's this?!?" |
"I thought we were doing our Serious Looks, Raggi!" "Oh. Sorry, Mags."
I forgot. By the way, don't we look a lot alike in that photo above?!? I think we should send a copy to our biological mom. She'd like that.
We covered a lot of area with no houses, too, so we just walked like normal.
"Kick it into overdrive, Ragnar!" "Is that OK, Mom?" |
Don't get me wrong. I'm very Siberian - but I like to make my mom happy.
We hit more houses on the way home; here we are, waiting for Dad:
"This being a Working Breed Dog is mighty fun, isn't it, Mags?" "You know it, Ragnar!" |
We covered a lot of territory, met a lot of nice people along the way, AND Mom had snacks. Really not a bag gig at all! We love being Working Dogs!!!