Ha roo, everypup! It's me - Zim! Remember
yesterday? Amber showed you a picture of herself just as our snow started! Cool, huh? In addition to all the snow that fell, our temps were in the single digits, about 5 degrees Fahrenheit. For those of you who use the "C" scale, we hovered around -15C all morning. It was about -5F (or -20C) with the wind-chill. And that could only mean one thing - time to go for a WALK!
Here are me and Dave, heading down the street:

We weren't the first to break snow, but it was still really fun. I thought I saw somesibe following us, or maybe a coyote or a wolf! Check it out!
Whoa! Who's THAT?
It was just my shadow, though. I look big in my shadow, don't I?
When we got to this corner, I wanted to turn left and Dave wanted to turn right.

Unfortunately, Mom wanted to turn around and head home. She still had to get the girls out on their walk! Hrumph! I don't know
why she can't take all four of us at once!
Here are Storm and Ammy heading down the street. Check out the look on Ammy's face!
You can see her smiling, can't you? She obviously was having fun. I'll bet she was telling Stormy some of her jokes!
Stormy said the little terrier who lives across the street was out in his yard and started barking to them. She stopped to listen for a minute, in case he was saying anything important:

She said he was just saying, "Hey!" Amber gave a quick listen, too.

Amber doesn't understand Terrier, but she thought she'd listen anyway. Doesn't she look cool there?!!? What a great pose!
When the girls got back to our yard, Amber stopped to check on Oswald. We all just saw him on Wednesday, so she thought he might be around somewhere.

Oh, OS-wald! Are you in there!?!?
The other day when we saw him, Stormy play bowed at Oswald, inviting him to play. I just watched, taking my cues from my mentor - Storm. Dave and Amber were more interested in ... how do I say this? Inviting him for dinner. And to play an active role in it.
When Am indicated he might be home, Mom said it was time to go in. Something about these:

having much better traction than these:

Yeah ... I don't really understand that, either!
I've got a new, cool snow fort under construction. I'll try to get Mom to take some pictures of me working on it today! Congrats to everypup else who got some of this lovely snow!
Play bows,