I told them how we have cow dogs here, too, and that I met them and asked if they'd like to see pictures! (That sentence is almost long enough to be one of Amber's! Woo. Oh... by the way... she said it was going to snow yesterday, so sure enough... it's snowing. Woo!) Anywoo, they said "yes!" so here's the story of me meeting the cow dogs - it's from a few years ago!
A bunch of Siberian friends of ours always rave about this wonderful treat they get called "butter" and even formed a club! Look here for their headquarters! Pretty cool, huh? Only notice anypups missing? That's right - the Army of Four! And do you know why? We've never HAD butter! I took it upon myself to go on a Butter Quest and took pictures along the way.
First, I saw Mom get something out of the magic cold box. I'd heard that's where butter is kept, so I went over to check it out. Hmm..."The flavor says, 'butter'!"

Zim found a little jar of "Butter Buds" in the kitchen and let me check those out. We thought we could plant some in the yard and grow a butter tree, but that didn't pan out.

Stormy told us that moo cows (our term for the cow dogs!) are the ones who make butter. She said if I look for them, I could find that golden treat!
I looked all over the house for moo cows and finally found this tin with a moo cow on it.
Unfortunately, no butter to be found. Then I had a vet appointment. As we drove past the outer buildings to campus, I saw something remarkable! Check out the sign behind me!
That's right - it reads "Purebred Beef Teaching Center"! I just knew that's where cows go to learn how to make butter! Woo! We couldn't gain access to the area, but when we drove past the park on the way home, I smelled moo cows! "Please, Mom! Please pull over so I can talk to the moo cows and find out how they make butter!"
She did pull over. We saw horses first, and I went over to say "woo" to them. Just to be friendly.
I don't know how they knew I was looking for the moo cows, but it was mighty neighborly of them to point me in the right direction!
Mom and I took off to find them. I couldn't wait to meet them and learn all about the ways of butter! It never occurred to me I might not speak cow.
I asked Stormy about the whole thing later, and she said those don't look like the kind of moo cows who make butter anyway. She considered teaching CowSpeak at the Stormy Zoluschka Kryschtal School of Siberian Studies, but she said we have more important things to focus on. Like cats. Stormy's so smart -- the C(un)IA is trying to band together against us, but I have as yet to see any moo cows trying it! Woo.
I hope you enjoyed my Butter Quest photos!