Hello, everyone! It's me, Cammie.
"Hello!" |
That photo is from yesterday - our Day Off. Oh. From walking. See ... we normally walk every day, but yesterday, when it was time to go, it looked like this outside:
Out front |
I know - beautiful, right? Only that was hard-packed snow and ice, and the windchill was 5℉ below zero or less. That's right, -5℉. (For our international readers, that's -20.5℃.) Since the temps weren't supposed to change much, Mom and Dad thought it safest if we took the day off from walking. Maggie and I don't really like changes to our routine, but ... yes. For pups who are used to being in the house, and given the lack of fur on my tummy still, that was way too cold. Instead of walking, we did a LOT of this:
"BOOM!" "BOOM!" |
And I do mean a
lot! So much that Mom couldn't even get photos, because we were so fast and pumped up. We had a race course that went from the main level, down the stairs to the Studio, around the Studio and through Mom's sewing table, then back up the stairs. It was AWESOME!
Today, it's still very icy and slippery, but the temp at walking time was about 9℉. A little better! Given yesterday's activities, Mom and Dad opted for us to do this:
"How's your belly, Cam?" "A little cold, but I'll be OK!" |
It was a very short one, but at least it was a walk! We're going to try again after lunch!
I guess the day off reinforced to Mom and Dad how
crazy we get if we don't get enough exercise in how much we love our walks! For the many of you who have snowy/icy conditions -- please be careful out there!