Woo, everypup and everycat. It's me - Dave. As you saw on
Serene Scenery Sunday, Mom did a photo shoot with just me for the Big Red One pet photo contest. I think I did a really good job - and I thought I'd share some more of my pix with you. Ready?
I thought this one was pretty good!
I even have the Burning Bush in the background. Ammy said to tell you that as far as bushes go, it's a "
big red one". Ha woo. I love my kid sister.
In this next picture, Mom asked me if I'd like a cookie:
"Cookie?!?!" |
Then she asked me if I'd like to wear Dad's Desert Storm hat.
"Wear the hat? No... don't really want to!" |
The cookies ran out - and interestingly enough, so did my desire to participate in the photo shoot.
It's really hard posing like that. I mean
really! Especially if there aren't any more cookies.
"I wonder if the cats from next door are out..." |
I tried my best, but it was hard to focus. Mom asked me to try... but without cookies, I had to find another source for motivation.
"How 'bout a tummy rub?!?" |
Remember, as a Siberian Husky, I'm a member of the Working Breed class. It's hard, hard work, but I've been well
rewarded trained.
As per an entry for the contest - here's what we came up with for me:
The caption is a line from the Big Red One song; you can read the lyrics and even listen to it
at this link.
I think Mom's happy with the photo shoots! She entered a few - you can enter as often as you like. We'll let you know how it goes. The deadline is the 20th and I think the winner is announced on the 22nd. I wonder if she's going to try to get the girls to do anything...