Hello, everyone! It's me, Cammie! Maggie and I are going to start showing you a selection of the birds we saw on
our recent birding trip. Today, we'll cover some of the birds we saw at Cheyenne Bottoms.
Before we ventured into the wildlife area, we stopped at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center. We saw a "lifer" for Mom there - a bird she had never seen before! Here he is, up on one of the lights:
Great-Tailed Grackle |
Pretty awesome tail, don't you think?
Once we got into Cheyenne Bottoms, we saw a lot of these birds:
Stilt Sandpiper |
Apparently, it's OK for them to trudge through the mud, but not us. Go figure!
We also saw small sandpipers, like this one:
White-Rumped Sandpiper |
We saw lots of Avocets hanging out with those sandpipers:
American Avocet, doing a Flamingo imitation |
American Avocet fly-by |
Here's another fly-by:
Double-Crested Cormorant |
He was taking a branch to help shore up their
nesting area!
There were quite a few Pelicans at the Bottoms - here comes one now!
American White Pelican |
As far as the birds at Cheyenne Bottoms went, Mom gave her "
Most Cooperative Bird Award" to this colorful guy:
Yellow-Headed Blackbird |
He struck many a pose for her, and seemed to like his photo being taken! Contrast that to this guy:
Great Blue Heron |
The second Mom spotted him, he took off. Not nice, Mr. Heron!
We also saw this cool bird:
White-Faced Ibis |
Isn't that a great bill?!!?
We'll eventually have an album up - Mom is still working on the photos from Quivira!
"Are you ready to head to Quivira?" "Hang on, Dad. She might be getting crackers out of the back of the vehicle." "Yeah, Dad. CRACKERS!" |
I mean, we could stand a little snack on the way over - right?
Stay tuned - more birdies in a day or two!