Who We Are

Friday, May 31, 2019

Nice Surprise!

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie!  Earlier this week, we had a great walk!  I mean a GREAT walk!  Due to the road construction, we had to keep changing our route around, which was really fun.  Here's a look at Cam by the big road:

"I don't think we'll be taking a left like we usually do!"
"Guess we'll have to move on to Plan B.  Or is that C?  Hey, who's up there?"
"A lady with a Lab mix!  I don't think we know them yet."

Everyone in the neighborhoods near us is changing their routes around, too, trying to avoid all the construction. We're seeing people we don't normally see.  We're also still seeing the people and friends we know and love, though.  In fact ... guess who we ran into when we got home?!?!

"It's my BFF Chelsea!  And Chelsea's mom!!!!!!"
"Hi, Maggie!!!"
"I love you, Maggie!"
"Right back at you, Chels!"

Now THAT'S a nice surprise!  What an awesome walk that turned out to be!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Answer To Your Questions

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie.  A couple of you had some unspoken questions about yesterday's post.  Now, I'm not 100% certain what the questions might have been, but I have a feeling it was whether or not it was actually a "wordless" post.

"Am I right here?"

How about I share some footage of what actually took place? Ready? Let's roll it:

To play on YouTube, please click here.

I think that should answer any questions you might have.

"She has a lot of very important things to say.  It's part of being Prime Minister."

As a side note, I love having Buckingham Palace to retreat to.  Totally unrelated news, of course.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Outside Guard Duty

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  This morning, it actually wasn't storming after our walk, so Mom and Dad went out on the deck so Mom could cut Dad's hair.  I thought I should go with them, to stand guard and make sure they were safe!

While Mom buzzed away, I settled in and checked the AO to the west.

"There's some guy with a skid-steer down by the 'road work' sign.  Other than that, alles klar, Herr Kommissar."

Oh, right.

"Sorry for the ear worm."

Not really.  Anybody else got their 80's groove on now?

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

The last Monday in May, Memorial Day, is a day to honor those who have fallen in the service of our country - our war dead. It is a day of reverence, respect, and reflection rather than one of celebration.


God bless our fallen service members - and may He comfort their families.

Mags and Cam

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Quick Pic Sunday

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Last night at bedtime, there was something on TV I really wanted to watch.  Fortunately ...

"Maggie, forget about your show --  it's bedtime!"
"It's OK, Cam.  I can watch it in here!"

... we've got that covered.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Too Nice?

Hello, everyone.  It's me, Cammie.  In the afternoons lately, we've been helping Mom in her Studio.  We keep her company, play with our Pickles, take the occasional nap -- that sort of thing.  The other day, I was sort of in transition mode, switching from Pickle play to napping, when ...

"I've still got stuff in my Pickle, but I think I'm going to snooze for a bit."
"I'm ready for a nap, t---wait.  Did she say she still has treats in her Pickle?"

Maggie asked if she could have my Pickle and I said, "Yes."

"Cammie?  You know those are prescription treats, right?"
"She's my puppy and she can have anything she wants."
"Yeah.  What Cammie said."

Mom says I'm too nice, but I love Maggie as if I'd given birth to her myself.  Besides, she likes my prescription food as much as I do!  And she's a good puppy!


Friday, May 24, 2019

No Chip On My Shoulder

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Mom and Dad describe me as a "happy go lucky" kind of gal.  I get along with everyone and I am full of joy!  No chip on my shoulder!  I do, however ...


... have a Pickle on my back. Ha roo roo roo.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  As Maggie mentioned the other day, there is a lot of road construction going on in our part of town, so we've had to alter our walks a bit.

"Another road closed sign!"
"This is getting crazy!"

By the time we get back to a "normal" route, there's more traffic because ...

"Is it really a detour if that's the way we want to go anyway?"
"That's deep, Cam.  As deep as the puddles we're about to go through."

More cars, more people, more rain ... but at least the latter means more mud puddles!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wordless Wednesday


Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Rainy Day Blues

Hello, everyone.  It's me, Cammie.  Yesterday was another stormy, rainy day here in the great state of Kansas.  We were able to get a good morning walk in, but by lunchtime, the storms and rain returned.  We went downstairs to help Mom in her Studio.

We played with our Pickles and had a short round of CROG (Crazed River Otter Games), but then ...

"Hey, Mom.  We're bored.  Bored, bored, bored."
"It's all this rain.  We've got the Rainy Day Blues."
"Oh, my sweet puppies!"

Mom knew she had the key to making us feel better - we all sat together on the floor for a good, long ear-massaging, tummy-rubbing session.  It was marvelous!  She even gently kneaded our faces -- we both love that!

"OK, girls!  Can I get back to quilting?"
"I don't think I've had enough yet; how about you, Cam?"
"Not even close.  If we block her chair, she'll have to stay on the floor with us!"

Mom might not have gotten the quilting done that she wanted to, but she was able to chase away our Rainy Day Blues -- and she said that's way more important!

It's another soaker again today.  I hope she has something fun in store for us this afternoon!

Keep your feety-feet dry, fellow mid-Westerners!


Monday, May 20, 2019

Surf's Up

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie!  As many of you know, we've been getting more than our fair share of rain out here.  Add that to all the road construction going on, and we've had to start taking some different routes and detours on our walks. (Something about Mom not wanting to walk through mud. I know. Crazy - right?)

"I mean, what's wrong with a little mud?!?  Right, Cam?"
"I know.  There's nothing better.  Except puddles.  Or snow."
"Speaking of puddles!"
"Not deep, but definitely splash-able!!"

When we went past Little Kitten Creek, it was busting at the seams, so we couldn't wait to see what all the rains have done for the Kansas Ocean!

"Wowzers, Cam!  It's full up to the top!  Maybe we could take surfing lessons!"
"Cowabunga, Mags!"

There is a bunch more rain due in today and the whole rest of the week.  I'll let you know if my plans for surfing lessons pan out!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Serene Scenery Sunday

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Before I get started, let me just say this:

"I only did the following to keep my mom guessing."

So ... where did I leave off on Friday?  Oh.  Right.  Right about here:

"Yep.  Sitting by the Bee Garden, smiling, facing the camera ..."
❤️❤️ "Maggie!!!"  ❤️❤️

Then I moved over under the Amur Maples:

"Strike a pose and smile at the camera?  I'm on it!"
"Sweet, Mags!!!"

Down on the next tier, I gave Mom another super pose:

"Maggie ... you're being realllllly ..."
"Good?  Yep.   That's me!"
"That ought to keep her guessing for a while!"

That should be enough to keep her happy for a while, don't you think?  And I may have just earned a little more trust.  Because we all know I wouldn't engage in things like running under the deck, trying to snarf stuff, jumping off the retaining walls ... not me!  The proof is in those serene photos -- right?!?

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Armed Forces Day 2019

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  FlickR is being highly uncooperative today, so rather than post one of our own photos that we can't get to, we'd just like to share this ...

... and wish all those who served or who are serving our nation's military a very happy Armed Forces Day!!!!  Thank you from our hearts!  Our prayers are with you!


Friday, May 17, 2019

Photo Finish Friday

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie!  Mom really wanted a big "perfect" photo to finish out the week today.  After our walk and some playing around in the yard, I decided to give her exactly what she was after.

"Sit, smile, face the camera ... check, check, and check!"
❤❤ "Oh, my Maggie!!!!"  ❤❤

I know.  I was surprised, too.  It's amazing what being tired on a hot morning can do to a girl.  

Well, yes.  And treats, too.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Have I Grown?

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  So the other day, Cam and I were helping Mom in her Studio.  We had finished our Pickles; Cam had retired to Buckingham Palace and I was a bit bored.

"Zzz ..."
"What to do, what to do ..."

Mom was all excited and said she had just finished another quilt that she'd started years and years and years ago.

"Want to see it, Maggie?!?  It's Crossed Canoes blocks!"
"Sure, yeah.  Lemme take a look!"

I thought maybe my perspective was off or something, but then ...

"Have I grown, or is this thing REALLY tiny?  I feel like that Gulliver dude."
"My Davy had a Gulliver experience in the Studio once.  Maybe that's it!"
"Girls!  It's a miniature quilt!"
"Mom, I could have had her with that Gulliver's Travels thing!"
"Oh, yeah.  'Miniature'.  I knew that."

No, really.  I knew.  That being said, I hope Mom sticks to normal-sized stuff for a while. 

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wordless Wednesday



Yours sincerely,
Margaret "Stormy Junior" Thatcher

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Do Not Jump Off The Retaining Wall

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  Sometimes, when Mom and I are having our one-on-one time in the backyard, I have to wait for her to catch up with me.

"Are you coming?  No, of course I won't jump off the wall!"

I mean seriously!  Me?  Jump off the retaining wall?!?  Who does she take me for - Maggie?  I mean, not that either one of us would be so tempted by something that we'd jump off the ...

"Oh, wait.  What's that?!?!"

Just kidding.  I didn't do it.  This time.  I sure made Mom quicken her step a bit, though!


Monday, May 13, 2019

Magnificent Monday

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie!  Since we just did Serene Scenery Sunday, I'm calling this Magnificent Monday!  Why?  Check it out:

"That's right, folks!  I have a BOX!!!"
"Mom, is Maggie getting cookies?"
"No, Cammie.  She has a box."

I mean, is that a great box or what?!?!

"There's plenty of room for someone to join me!"
"I'll be right here.  You know.  In case treats ARE involved."

Come on by and box with me, if you can!  The Waste Management guy comes around lunchtime, though, so don't dilly-dally.  For some reason, Mom and Dad are giving this box to him.  He must like boxing as much as I do!  For now, though, it's a magnificent Monday!!!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Serene Scenery Sunday

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  What could be more serene than a trip to the ocean?  That's exactly where we went yesterday!

First ... up the hill on the big road:

"Hey.  They're going to be closing our road!"
"I hope they don't close the sidewalks!" 

That ought to be interesting!

Anyway -- a bunch of up and down and weaving around, and then - we were at the Kansas Ocean!

"Nothing like a walk along the boardwalk!"
"I always feel more relaxed here!"

Here we are, crossing the Trans-Oceanic Bridge:

"I think it's high tide, Cam!"
"Smell that salty sea air!"

Time spent by the ocean always makes us feel more serene!  How about you?

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Well, fine.  I don't like to do a lot of holding still in the backyard.  I think that's been made abundantly clear this week.  Whatever.  I CAN do it if I'm  forced to  rewarded adequately.  Let's start with one of Cam's favorite poses -- on the rocks by the gate.

"On the rocks.  Got it, Mom.  Go ahead and back up for a shot."

Mom started backing away to frame the shot, and ...

"Hey, what's this?"

Yeah, OK.  So ... I may have snarfed something then tried to go exploring under the deck.  Can you blame me?  I didn't think you would.  ...unlike some-biped I could mention.

"Fine.  Sit on the rocks.  Strike a pose.  Yeah, yeah, yeah."

See?  A lovely pose!  All she had to do was let me run around and act crazy for a while, then  bribe me  offer me a few treats!  Is that so much to ask?

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Friday, May 10, 2019

This Is How It's Done

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  Maggie might not have been cooperating for photos during her backyard playtime lately, but I have been.  I mean, sure.  I run around a little bit and play, but then I like to strike a pose here and there.  Here's how it's done!

Here I am in the Friendship Garden:

"Get my profile, Mom."

See how I took charge of the situation?  And I even picked out that nice rock to sit on.

I thought I should move over by the sedum planter.

"Can you see me OK?"

Picking my own poses, choosing where to go.  Because if I don't want to do something ... it's just not going to happen.

Here's one of my favorite places in the garden:

"One last one, then we'll go in and get cookies, OK, Mom?"

I'm a professional.  I'm trying to teach Maggie!  She's coming along, but she just isn't quite "there" yet.  She and Mom will try later today!

Happy Friday!


Thursday, May 09, 2019

My Backyard Fun

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie. Cam showed you some great pix the other day of her one-on-one time with Mom in the backyard. I get to have "me" time out there, too.  I thought I'd share a bit of my latest "let's go play and do a photo shoot" time with you.

Here I am on one of the retaining walls on the north side of the house - looking into the fenced-in yard.

Me, Polargold's Margaret Thatcher!

I love checking the lay of the land before we explore the yard.

For some reason, there are no more pictures of me out there from that day.  I'm not sure why.  I remember spending a lot of time on the "let's go play" part and not so much of the "photo shoot" part.  I might have heard something about "blurry pix", "someone" not holding still, "stay" ... I dunno.  I just know I had a blast.  Mom said she did, too!  That's more important than photos - right?

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Wednesday, May 08, 2019