Who We Are

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Backing Up Tuesday

Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Today, we're backing up a bit (in more ways than one, but we'll get to that) to before we got our lovely snow.  Remember the pix we shared of us having some Sibe-style fun in the backyard?  Cam mentioned that Mom had tried to get us to do some posing, too.  Here's how that went.

We started out on the top tier wall, by the corner of the house:

"I need my sunglasses, Mom."
"It's not too bad ..."
"Could you two please try not to look so ticked off?  I have treats!!!"

From there, we moved on to the Friendship Garden.  Given the treat situation, I tried to look all fluffy and cute:

"Pretty cute, huh?"
"Now the sun's in MY eyes!"
"Better ..."

After a bit, we moved back over to that top tier for more wall poses:

"What the fluff is she doing, Cam?"
"I have no idea."
"OK, now stay right there ... stay!  Please stay!"

That's when Mom thought she'd back up a bit. (That's the other backing up I mentioned!)

"Yeah, that's good, Mom.  A little further."
"Yes, just keep backing up ..."

And when she had backed up jusssssst a wee bit more, that's when Cam and I ...

"Get ready, Cam!"
"I was born ready!"

Backing up.  Always a great idea!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher


  1. This cracked me up, "Could you two please try not to look so ticked off? I have treats!!!"
    Then just as the giggle subsiding the CROG started.
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. You girls are too funny and too much fun!

  3. BOL...We think you both deserved a bit of a CROG break after all that modeling anyway!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  4. We hope your Mom watched her back as she was backing up - ours probably would have tipped over one of those stone walls:) And we also hope that there was a good supply of treats for all your efforts to please her.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. We were worried there for a minute that your mom had backed up too far and fell off one of your tiers. It's good to see that it was just about a fun game of CROG.

  6. I think you both need sunglasses in that sort of weather!

  7. Treats and CROG, its a win win. Added bonus mom got some awesome pictures. (I too thought maybe she fell while backing up. I'm really glad that didn't happen.)

  8. You sure know how to enjoy life!
    Hazel & Mabel

  9. OH GURLS! You crack me up! I, too, thoughts your Moms was gonna take a spill when she kept backin' up (that's what WOULD happen to Ma if she did that! BOL) Ma is super jealous of your sun....
    Ruby ♥

  10. Yay - I love mischief!!! You two girls are SO much fun!!!!

  11. Such great pictures of you both and the beautiful blue sky!
