Who We Are

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Serene Scenery Sunday

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  Today we went on a really fun walk; I got to choose the route!

"Heading south first, Cam!"
"Yep.  That sounds good."

We took a couple OK turns, but then we turned one way and I didn't want to go.  I put on the brakes.  Mom and Dad thought I was tired and wanted to go home, so we turned around.  Only at the corner ... I pulled to go the long way.

"See, Maggie!  Isn't this way more fun?"
"This is awesome!  New smells EVERYwhere!"

It was great fun.  I chose a route with lots of uphills -- Mom always likes that.  Or at least she always seems to mention it.

Near the top of the hill, there is a lot of road deconstruction going on.

"Wow!  Look at all this cool stuff we could get into!"
"I don't know why we don't get to come up here during the week!"

After we walked some more, Mom asked us to pose on some rocks.  Even though she did NOT have cookies (note:  she owes us), we did a nice pose for her:

Mags and me, posing nicely!

It was a wonderfully serene walk.  And a long one!



  1. Maggie and Cammie what a nice walkie you had and OMDs Cammie we have a bday tomorrow...you I thing will be 11 and I....WILL be older that 11
    but hey it lets celebrate
    Hugs Cecilia

  2. Cammie, what a wonderful route you chose for your walk. It had a little of everything. Good job!

  3. It looks like you picked the perfect route for your walk. You both look great posing on those rocks.

  4. You girls look beautiful posing on your rocks!

  5. Isn't it fun when you get to go to new places? I love that pose. You two girls look beautiful!

  6. Wow, that was sure a nice pose for NO cookies! You must've really enjoyed that walk.

  7. What a great walk! Sometimes I do that too, when mom thinks I want to go home, I go in the completely opposite direction to make my walk extra long!

    Your friend Kiki
