Did you read it? CATS! Cats from the Cat Intelligency Agency (which, if I've been paying attention to the vocabulary lessons at the SZK SSS, is an oxymoron) have taken over Arwen's blog! We need to alert the HULA Hoop! Where's Meeshka? Tubey? Holly? The D'Azul Sibes? Where is everysibe? We need to rescue her! The CIA's taken over Arwen's blog!
I've had a chat with Zim about the whole thing, and I think he may have seen the light about cats now. At least he knows to stay on his guard.
I'll leave you with my Haik-woo #18.

Beware, everypup! And Arwen!?!? Are you OK???? Woo.
Cats are so stupid always sticking their noses in where they don't belong!
ReplyDeleteI share my home with 9 Heathen Huskies. We have a Secret Agent "P" that can and will take out any cat. I think cats are tasty, too......they are free-range snacks! We must all band together to free Arwen from this evil menace!
Miss Stella
Cats are evil.
ReplyDeleteoh no! there must be a rescue mission!!!
ReplyDeleteDave, my darling!
ReplyDeleteI am here for you! Bring on the attack. I will bring Monty and Sam (even in Sam's humiliated state-see my blog) and they can help free Arwen. Sam is a known killer of bunnies, squirrels, and multiple birds. I, myself, have killed many a creature (while on my own before my rescue) and someone (mom isn't sure who) did kill a cat in our yard a couple years ago (much to mom's horror), so I know we can help. Just let me know where and when we start the rescue mission!
Your dearest Holly
It sounds like you need all the help you can get! We must save Arwen!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Turbo! I had my nose scratched by a cat once, and I had a horrid pink stripe on my black nose for ages afterwards!
ReplyDeletePesky things, cats!
To the Aof4,
ReplyDeleteLet me compliment you on your ability to use a dictionary. I would've never thought a dog could use one. Cats have always have a splendid vocabulary. Our intelligence should never be questioned. Unlike you dogs, we were worshipped in ancient times. Whereas your species were working animals, in other words, slaves. The humans were, are, and always will be our slaves.
Do not contact Arwen, again. She will join the CIA, or suffer the consequences. We want her snow blowing machine!
Commander Bowie of the CIA
Tubey, Miss Stella, Cubby, Joey Stains, Holly, Ender and Marvin: Glad you're with us! Especially a certain Malagal - uh, um... just 'cuz she and her brothers are big! Oh, well, yeah, Miss Stella's probably bigger ... but well... uh... you know.
Oh, for the love of Balto! It's me - Stormy. Forgive Dave. He's a bit silly over Holly. *eye roll* Or perhaps just a bit silly. Miss Stella - this Secret Agent "P" of yours sounds like quite the asset! We've all got to band together and save Arwen and her blog!
ReplyDeleteNow... as for you, "Commander" Bowie: First off, don't get me wrong. I like cats. Some of my best friends have been cats. But that doesn't necessarily mean I trust you and your kind. Secondly, just what do you "command"? Cats are independent creatures. We canines, on the other paw, are pack animals. We work well together. You'd be wise to keep that in mind. Thirdly, about your condescending tone to Dave - not that I haven't used one from time to time myself - BACK OFF, HE'S MY BROTHER! What a sweet little crack about his ability to use a dictionary! As you southerners would say, "Why bless your heart." If you'll check out your Funk and Wagnalls, you might want to look up "feline". Interesting, isn't it, that one meaning for feline is "resembling a cat: as SLY, TREACHEROUS"? Why, what a total surprise.
We're on to you, Mr. C(un)IA. Don't mess with the canine pack. We ARE man's best friend.
Tail wags,
Hey Stormy,
ReplyDeleteIt's Arwen, I'm over at my neighbor's, Roper and Hannah, and I'm using their computer, which is fine, except Roper has a crush on me, and he's drooling as I type this.
First off, I must apologize for that arrogant Bowie's remarks about Dave and using a dictionary. What can you expect from a cat? He's so condescending. I mean this is my blog, and he's insulting all of my dog friends. I read his comments.
I know what they want: my snow blowing machine, and by the way, I'm not responsible for the weather out in Colorado. No, I didn't have anything to do with that, even though my snow cloud location finder did activate the ice crystal sub-solution ionizer in the atmosphere. Just wanted to let everyone know it wasn't me. Oh, by the way, I'm looking for a lab assistant, since Dave's a lab in husky fur, would he like to help me?
As for the evil cats, I'm about to release my secret weapon, Tolkien, and when he's in a bad mood--he's the Tolkienator. Raven andI ate all of Tolkien's breakfast this morning and I stoled his chew-chew: He's in a really bad mood. Here kitty kitty!
Yours in snow,
Arwen, who is about to take back her blog from those feline hairball hackers.
oooh cats v dogs.....on your blog
ReplyDeleteoooooooh this is scary time!
even more scary than chatting with FuFu!
Dear Arwen: None of us hold you responsible for Bowie's remarks. He's a cat - enough said! I hope you and Raven got Tolkien good and fired up - release the beast! Ha roooo! :)
ReplyDeleteWe're all fascinated with your snow blowing machine and the plans surrounding it. I talked to Dave and even though he's not willing to admit he's a Lab in a Sibe suit, he's more than willing to help out in whatever way he can. He doesn't always follow orders, but he's a heck of a nice guy.
I know you can outwit the C(un)IA; after all - you're a SIBERIAN!
Tail wags,
Marvin: Have no fear - we are roo-nited against the cats! they will not pervail!
ReplyDeleteTail wags,