Hello, everyone! It's me, Cammie. Mags and I couldn't decide who would get to do today's post, so we drew straws. She ate her piece of straw, so I win. Anyway, today we're going to tell you all about our new
CTC Dog Gear Oxford Shoulder Harnesses! (Remember, words that are that color and underlined are hyperlinks!)
Mags and me in action! |
Maggie is wearing blue and I'm wearing purple.
Our mom got them for us after a friend's recommendation. They are strong, secure (note to the
OP Pack: there is NO backing out of these babies!), and comfortable!
They allow great freedom of movement and don't have any pinch points or areas where they rub. Look at how happy Maggie is, even when she's pulling:
Cool action shot! |
For the record, I just don't pull. I'd rather walk beside Mom or Dad, or slightly out front. I pretended to pull for the photo shoot.
Maggie pulling, me pretending to pull for the photo shoot |
Speaking of the shoot, Mom and Dad drove out to
Keats for the shoot; Dad walked us around while Mom took pix with the Canon. Mom liked the photos better than the ones she
took the other day, so we thought we'd use these for our big review!
Mom wasn't sure about sizing for us, but there is a
very helpful chart right on the CTC Dog Gear site - and Natalie walked Mom through the whole process! What great customer service!!! She made it totally easy for us!
They fit us perfectly!!! |
There are strips of reflective tape on the front and back of the harnesses - what a great safety feature!
Did I mention they are super-strong? |
We love the colors Mom chose - the royal blue looks so good on Maggie, and I just love having a purple one! Mom thought these would be easy to keep clean - and since they can be worn swimming, they can certainly be washed! Perfect!
Mags and me in Keats Park |
As we mentioned, Mom and Dad like them so much, they've already ordered two more as "back ups". What colors do you think we got? Hint: they're very FUN colors!
These CTC Dog Gear Shoulder Harnesses make our adventures so much fun! Dad said, after he walked us in them for the first time, that he could tell we were comfortable and like them! We love them - and as a result, we've been going on even longer walks! Talk about a win-win situation!
Mom took this closing shot of us out on our walk this morning:
Mags and me, taking a quick break |
We got to do some "extra" exploring!
We're so happy when we find a product we really like; it was our pleasure to tell you about the CTC Dog Gear harnesses. You'll be seeing us in them a LOT!