Who We Are

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Serene Scenery Surprises Sunday

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie!  Welcome to Serene Scenery Sunday -- oh, with surprises, as per the title!  Lately, I've been very interested in our side yard.  Mom has let me do a bit of exploring and ...

Me - in the honeysuckle patch

That's right - something or someone has been in the honeysuckle!  Mom and Dad trust my hunting instincts, so they've been on extra-alert for intruders!  They KNOW something has been visiting our yard!

Then, the other morning, just as Mom was grabbing her coffee, she looked out the door to the deck and check out who she saw!


There was a third one, too, but Mom didn't get her in the photo! It was very exciting!

For those who might be wondering, Maggie went out on the deck to help Mom get the shot. She saw the deer and they saw her, but neither party reacted. We just stare at things; we don't bark. It's not like Maggie could run off the gated deck, dial the combination to the lock on the gate to our 6-foot fence and chase them! Anyway - just wanted to let you know. Me? I stayed in the house, in case Dad wanted to serve my breakfast while Mom was out there.

Anyway, now Mom and Dad know why I've been so interested in that side of the house!  Mom just loved seeing them - they do not come into our neighborhood very often at all!

Later that day, Mom had another surprise! You know how she loves birdies? Look at who showed up!

Cedar Waxwings!
They are about as good as Siberians in the "holding still" department
Going for a nice, plump fruit!

Maggie wanted me to add that when she tries to eat those fruits, she is told "NoNoMaggieNo", but when the birdies do it, Mom is delighted and stands there photographing them.  Mags may have mentioned something about a double standard, but since this is SERENE Scenery Sunday, I'll just leave it there.

OK, back to the birdies:

Puffing out his feathers
Action shot:  DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!

Mom took a ton more shots of them. Please check out our set on FlickR, if you're interested.

Later on, Mags and I went out to relax on the deck.

"Wait!  Mags, I see something!"
"Is it the deer?!?!?"
"Ah.  A guy with a Labrador.  That's cool, too!"
"But it COULD HAVE BEEN the deer!"

It COULD have been!  Mags and I are keeping an eye out for them!

Anyway, we hope you enjoyed our photos of some of our surprise visitors!  Do you feel the serenity?

Have a lovely Sunday!



  1. Great pictures!! Happy Sunday!!

  2. Happy Sunday! Love the deer and also the waxwings-great job being quiet Cammie!
    Have a wonderful afternoon.
    Noreen and Hunter

  3. Our mom happens to think that cedar waxwings are just incredibly beautiful birdies! Yup, she is feeling VERY serene!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. How cool! Your mom got lots of wonderful photos! Any chance any of those deer were from Santa Paws?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Those are some nice deer. We don't have any deer this close to the city, but there is a bunch of rabbits to bark at.

    Abby Lab

  6. So much serene today!!! The deer are so cool and Mama is just squee-ing over those waxwings!!
    I, on the other hand, want to know if you got some of your Daddy's breakfast!!

  7. We never saw no dog with horns. Nutty
    Lily & Edward

  8. Once or twice we have seen some deer run through the yard OUTSIDE our fence, and we have seen lots of foxes and even a coyote or two. Ciara wouldn't bark or move either, but Lightning would be off like a bullet. We aren't sure what your fruits are but Ciara is always getting the NO NO when she tries to grab the little pears from our flowering pears at the end of the driveway - what a mess they make. You would think Mom would be happy if we cleaned them up for her.

    Have a good week out on the trails.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  9. DEER!!!!!!! We love them too! They are in the park near our house, but we've never gottten a picture! And your mom's shots of the waxwings are so pretty!

    Kiki and Nala

  10. Your momma should've listened to you ages ago. YOU knew about the deer!

  11. Your momma should've listened to you ages ago. YOU knew about the deer!
