Woo, everypup and everycat! It's me - Dave. Did you all see Zim's post yesterday and how he said he needed to store up some energy for a Monday afternoon adventure? Well, he did get to go on one - and I went, too!
I was all excited when Mom called us both; I couldn't wait to see where we were going! We started walking our normal morning route...

I wonder where we're going, Zim!
...and we kept on going until we saw this!
Me, checking the sign post
Oh, pup! The Hudson Trail! Zimmie and I couldn't wait to smell all the cool smells on the trail and Mom couldn't wait to take more pix of the wildflowers! Remember the Jerusalem Artichokes we showed you on Sunday? They were right by the trail marker. Well... they're gone now! No blooms at all! (See photo above.) Mom was disappointed, but not me. There were all kinds of messages left there for me and Zim! Ha woo!
Oh, don't worry about Mom! We saw lots of sunflowers like this one on the way there, so she was a happy hiker:
Here we are, about to head down the part of the trail we showed you the other day:
It's always nice and shady and cool on the trail, plus great smells, usually squirrels busy gathering nuts and doing other squirrel stuff, and all kinds of cool things to smell and see.
Mom liked these berries:

They weren't there the other day! Things come and go fast this time of the year!
Speaking of fast, before we knew it we were at the end of that part of the trail. We crossed the street and I thought we were going to turn like we did last time - but Mom said, "Let's cross and go down the next part of the trail!" She didn't need to tell us twice!

C'mon, Dave! Let's go!
That part of the trail isn't paved, so we only get to go on it when we have dry conditions. Something about mud... paw prints... messy Siberians... I'm not sure. Plus it was cool out, so we weren't too hot or anything!
We have more pix to share with you from the rest of the walk. We'll get those posted Thursday, I think. Storm said she and Ammy are doing Wordless Wednesday together tomorrow! Woo! Be sure to tune back in!
Thanks for hitting the trail with us!