Who We Are

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Best Seat in the House

Ha roo, pups and cool cats!  It's me, Zim!  Before I get to today's post, I would like to thank all of you for the wonderful Zimaversary wishes yesterday!  I had a great day, filled with tons of fun and lots to be thankful for!

As many of you know, after our morning walk, we go out to the deck to enjoy all the wonderful sights, sounds and smells out there.  Now, some would say that our tree here is blocking the view...

DSCN1700 Zim

But if you are patient... and quiet...

DSCN1703 Zim

...and keep real still...

DSCN1704 Zim

...you just might end up with the very best seat in the house!  Err... make that "on the deck".

You really should do some stretching after all that work, too.  Very important.

DSCN1705 Zim
"Ahh... that feels so good!"

This is way better than Movie Night!  Have a great day, everyone!

Play bows,


  1. Ah Zim, you really do know how to live. Especially in this heat. I find Bird watching to be a bit on the slow side myself, but give me a good old fashioned fish tank, and I become a statue for hours.

    (ok, for a minute or two, but I do find them very entertaining)


  2. Hey Zim: I was so upset yesterday about Bully Cat attacking your Mom's shoe, I forgot to wish you Happy Gotcha/Zimaversary Day! I did have a little ice cream in your honor, however.


  3. Somehow we missed your Happy Zimaversary!! Congrats handsome! We enjoyed the deck photos....someday we are going to convince mom to let us have more time out on ours.

  4. Oh, Zim, I would rather wait for the squirrels, much more fun than birds. I can hear them scampering up and down the trees.

    But I am older, and can't see very well any more, so I couldn't catch them anyway.

    Happy Tails, Sniffingly Yours, Misty, TX.

  5. I had to show my husband Zim's picture yesterday, because our daughter also has two different colored eyes, brown and green. We've never seen in a dog before. Very cool. Zim and Dave, you are very handsome dudes!

  6. Happy Belated Zimaversary! :)

  7. Teddy is all over-excited because you said the word Bird. He is obsessed with birds.


  8. Zim, you are way too much like my kitty sisfurs! Glad you enjoyed your Zimaversary!


  9. you better slow down and relax a bit
    Benny & Lily

  10. Zim!
    Glad you had a pawesome Zimiversary!
    Aaaand yes... that sure is a special spot to watch the birdies!
    Kisses and hugs

  11. Better than movie night? Haha! Great stretch by the way ;)

  12. Belated wishes for yesterday and sorry I am late. You look as though you found the perfect pastime to while away the time.. Enjoy.. Hugs GJ xx
