Who We Are

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Ha roo, pups and cool cats!  It's me, Zim.  Do you remember a while ago I showed you my Squeaky Purple Panda toy?  I showed you our first meeting and confessed that because I didn't know what a toy was until I came here, I sometimes don't know what to do with new ones.  Well, Purple Panda and I have met a few more times, and I'm starting to get the swing of things.

On this one day, Dave was taking a long nap and I was bored, so Mom got Purple out for me to play with.  We hung out in the living room for a while. I tried holding him a couple different ways and he squeaked. I was afraid that meant he was hurt, so I didn't want to make him squeak - so we just kicked back on a floor cushion.

IMG_5088 Zim
Me and Purple Panda

Mom decided I should go outside, so she hooked up my leash. I didn't want to leave Purple Panda alone, so I brought him with us.

I showed him the grass:

IMG_5089 Zim

...and I showed him the sidewalk and driveway:

IMG_5090 Zim

He was smiling, so I think he liked exploring the yard with me.

I thought I saw one of my kit-cat friends and was going to show her my Purple Panda:

IMG_5091 Zim

She ran off to do important kitty-cat things before I could show her my panda friend.

We decided to pose by the Crimson Barberry Bush:

IMG_5092 Zim

I'm not sure Mom got his best side.

Before we went in, we struck one more pose by the front door:

IMG_5093 Zim

Mom said he was about as cooperative as me and Dave are.  Ha roo roo roo!

So - that's what Purple Panda and I have been up to.  Oh, sure, Dave says I should rip him apart (gasp!) but I don't want to hurt him!  Besides, he's pretty fun to hang out with!

Play bows,


  1. Looks like you've got a good friend there. I keep losingmine when we go outside. But then a few days later a new one shows up.

  2. You are so lucky to have a friend like panda. I don't get to play with anything but my big red ball, that is, unless My Vickie is watching.

    She says I am "A Destroyer" and have to be monitered with toys.

    Bummer of a deal if you ask me.

    Good day to you

  3. Panda sounds like a good friend - make sure to keep him safe from Dave!!

  4. Zim, your so cute to show your purple panda around, love the front door shot. Sometimes they are to good to shred.

    The silvers and more

  5. Oh Zim, you are just the SWEETEST guy! Jack used to show his pengies around too, but now they stay out of reach cause, well, I'm afraid Moo has been a bad influence on him : (

  6. Zim, you are such a good friend to all critters! You are a very sweet boy for showing Purple the sights outside!

  7. Oh no Zimmie, pandas are our friends and we should never hurt them.

    Auntie Trace

  8. What a cool friend!

  9. We bet Purple Panda enjoyed his walk with you, Zim!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Zim, you know how much we like and respect you ...... but we are with Dave.

    Remy and Flash

  11. Awww Zim! You take such good care of your toys!

  12. Zim,

    I like to take my toys with me too. But I tend to drop and leave them, when something else gets my attention....Mom says I have AADD (Airedale attention deficit disorder)

  13. we sure do love your purple toy
    Benny & Lily

  14. Zim, you are such a sensitive pupster! We're glad you and Purple Panda have hit it off. That was so cool of you to show him around outside and school him in all things Sibe :) Have fun and don't listen to Dave ;-/

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
    p.s. you can't go wrong with a good box - you should definitely give one a try!

  15. Nice!! I have a Panda friend too! It's black and white!
    Never seen a purple panda before, that's really kool!!


  16. Purple Panda sounds like oodles of fun

    Stop on by for a visit

  17. Sure was nice of you to bring your friend with you and show him around. :)
