Hi everybody! It's me, Ragnar! Our temps were out of the single digits today so we were able to take a nice, normal walk! I thought I'd just post the pix and not do too much chit-chat, OK?
Here we are, taking in the sunrise up by the water tower:
"Wowzers, Mags!" "Amazing!" |
As you can see, much of our snow melted yesterday, but there was a lot of ice. There are also a lot of chemicals all over the roads and walkways. The best way to avoid all of that is ... to head to The Top Of The World!
"This is what I'm talking about!" "This is perfect!!!" |
Mags and me, on the trail! |
"Wait! I think I see something!" "Me, too!" |
Our mom and dad didn't see what we saw, but trust us -- we saw something!
We posed for a quick photo up at the top:
"Yeah, yeah. You have treats, don't you?" "I think she's got the crunchy treats, Mags." |
The road up there was pretty clear - it gets a lot of sun, but no plowing or chemicals!
"This isn't bad at all!" "Mom thought it would be messy, right, Mom?"
Once back down on the lower trails, we spotted some people and pups up top!
"Check it out! Just to the right of the path!" "Yeah. It's those people who always throw a ball for one of their dogs." "Oh, 🤬! It's the ball people!" |
They aren't really very well-socialized pups and their people don't usually have good control of them. We hustled to avoid them!
Here we are on the road (Marlatt) between the two sections of the park. It was pretty icy, so we tried really hard not to pull.
"Look at us, being good!" "We're always good, Ragnar!" |
We weren't going to go through the woods on the way home, due to Mom thinking the bridge would be icy and/or snowy, but we wanted to give a nice lady with two extremely beautiful Yellow Labs some space, so we got to go that way!
"This is a win-win, Raggi! They get more space, we get to go through the woods!" "Yeah. I really like those Labbie girls, though!" |
The bridge wasn't too bad, so it all worked out. It was SO GOOD to go on a normal walk again!