Who We Are

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What's Cooking?

Woo, everypup and everycat! It's me - Dave. Mom's doing all kinds of cooking for tomorrow -- turkey in a crock-pot, cranberries, veggies, stuffing, other stuff I don't know about yet ... and sweet potato pie! That means there's going to be some good eating coming up! I'm not on KP Duty, that seems to always fall to Zim and sometimes Stormy, but I'm up here where I've got a good view of the action.

Oh... and I will see it if something hits the floor and Mom lets Zim or Storm have it... so I'll be sure to get something, too! Woo! And yes, Ammy will sense it and come in, too. As they say, "One for all and all for one!" Or as Stormy tries to get us to say, "Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!" Stormy's so smart!

Happy cooking and helping!



  1. Ha-woos, you've got a "bird's eye view" of that turkey in a crockpot! We noticed mom getting busy in the kitchen, something's bound to hit the floor, so we're sticking close by too!

    woos & a-roos,
    Star & Jack a-roo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Man all that food sounds good. Mom loves sweet potato pie!
    Hope the cook drops something for you Dave! Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs and Howdy to Dave,

  4. Sounds like a lot of goodies being made in your house! I hope your mom is making a little extra for you! Have a wonderful holiday!

  5. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hey Stormy,

    My Mom would like for you to know that I'm a follower of the Stormy School. I excel at turning my head at the exact right moment when Mom takes my picture. Thanks for those great tips.


  6. Woooooof! I love the good smells and can't wait to sample my mom's cooking tomorrow! Hope you have fun too!

  7. Haroo Dave

    Yes my Stormy sure is a bright one isn't she! Should the saying be 'all four one and one four all'???

    What your Mom's been cookin sounds tasty.....do woo think it'd taste as nice as what our Mom's been cookin though.....mmmmm, doggy treats, even ones with liver, kidneys, hearts, tuna. You should smell our house!!! It's a doggies paradise.....and Mom's been letting us sample some of each!!! Rumour has it she's sending some your way, it's gonna be leaving our house on the magic carpet to Kanzas real soon!!!

    Woo Woos

    Pee Ess: Can you please get ur Mom to email our Mom your sweet potato pie recipe? We call them Kumara over here......there's a sample of that in your goodie bags too:)

  8. Woo Woo, maybees I comes to your house. Maw and Pa is cookin' our turkey tonight too but not all da trimmins. Deys suppin' at a friends house. Maybe if'n we turns on da charm dey bring us what's left over.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Husky kisses,

  9. that all sounds so yummy! our mom always gives us the neck & gizzards and stuff from the turkey, so we love turkey day. we love sweet potatoes too, and squash.

    hee hee - squash, now that's a funny word!

    keep up the good work cleaning up after mom. We bet she'll drop an extra piece or two if you give her the soulful eye look.

    Happy turkey day! guinness and Shiloh - and Bacci too

  10. Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow, or is it today with you guys!

    My J gets soooooooo confused.

    Hope you get the Something On The Floor Prizerooonie! Dearest Dave.

    If you get a moment between floor surfing, could you check out my blog, my J has put a question on my latest post, she will have grey hair soon, if it is not solved.

    She cannot keep up with the blogs until this is sorted.

    No need to comment, just help would be fandabidozi.

    Your friend,
    Marvin who owns now, a grey haired old woman, stressed with Blogger............aaaaaargh!

  11. Tanner has been helping Mom in the kitchen all day, he scored some sweet potato!!

  12. Hey, Dave! I sure hope you have some good snarfin' out o' that turkey and fixins! Happy Thanksgiving, Ao4!

  13. We hope you guys have the nicest Thanksgiving ever! You'll be eating good - that's for sure!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  14. I allocate myself to KP duty every time mum is cooking chicken. You just never know.

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  15. I hope you had a happy cooking day for tomorrow!
    Kisses and hugs


    Sounds like you have a great spot for overseeing the cooking tomorrow. Mom told us she is leaving us home while she goes and visits her family. We can't believe she is leaving us home but she told us she would bring Turkey home! We hope so!
    Thor and Marco Polo

  17. Our Mumsies and Grams have been cooking all day too! Turkey in a crock pot?!?! Our turkey is currently in a cooler packed with snow, BOL... he'll be making an appearance tomorrow morning before he slips into the sauna....

    We hope you have a great Turkey Day pals! We love you!

    M & I

  18. Woo Hoo, can we come for dinner? We luv sweet potatoes. And turkey, and all that good stuff. Great perch woo have there, Dave.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  19. Hi everyone! You are such pretty/handsome pups. My dog was a lovely blond blue-eyed husky so I love a husky dog. You can visit my blog anytime. Woof!

  20. Yummers!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  21. Keep at least one eye open at all times or you might miss it.

    Princess Eva & Brice

    P.S. Momma got us turkey necks for Turkey Day so our teeth will be bright and shiny.

  22. Hope you have a wonderful Turkey Day...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  23. We are thankful for the A04 and their friendship. Hope you get a big piece of turkey skin!


  24. Happy Thanksgiving, everydog! We hope you get some of that BIG chicken!

    Roxie, Sammy & And

  25. KP duty - that sounds like the prefect career choice for me. I'm going to have to look into that. Mom wants to know how we can hear a Fruit Loop hit the floor from another level of the house, but we can't hear her yelling for us.

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! We hope you got lots of yummy snacks!

    Steve and Kat
