Who We Are

Friday, April 22, 2016

Flower Friday

Greetings to all! It's me, Maggie! Today, we're joining with our dear friend Dory for her weekly Flower Friday post! Let's have a look around our front yard!

Right outside the garage door, we have our Korean Dwarf Lilacs. They are in full bloom right now and smell so good!

"Sit by the lilacs.  Got it, Mom."
"The neighbor's practicing disc golf, Mags!"

For the record, Mom didn't say anything about looking at the camera ... so that's a hit on her, not us!  Anyway, the Korean Dwarf Lilacs aren't as "showy" as some of the other varieties we have, but they sure smell wonderful!

Over in the corner of the front garden is a GREAT bush Mom and Dad dug up and transplanted a couple years ago.  It's our Snowball Viburnum!

"Very nice!  Almost in full bloom!"

When they reach full bloom, they'll be solid white - just like real snowballs!  Isn't that cool?!?  We'll show it to you again, once it's in full bloom!

We have a few different varieties of one of Mom's favorite flowers in the garden - Lily of the Valley.  New to the garden this year is "Beth" Lily of the Valley!

Beth Lily of the Valley

Mom's friend Beth gave them to her as cuttings last fall, so this is their first bloom here!  Aren't they pretty?  Mom loves special plants like that that remind her of friends.

Speaking of which -- here is another grouping of some Lily of the Valley plants:

Me and Cam in front of the Lily of the Valley

Let's go in for a close-up!

Pink Lily of the Valley!

They are very special to us for two reasons, three if you count the fact that Mom just loves them!  (She carried Lily of the Valley in her wedding bouquet.)  One - they're PINK instead of the traditional white.  And two - they were sent to her by Molly's mom way back in 2009!  Actually, they were sent by Molly's sister and brother, Maggie and Mitch, both now angels, to our great-brother Zim!  You can read all about it at this link.    We call them our "M & M Lily of the Valley"; they remind us of Maggie and Mitch, and what special friends they were.  Here's what makes them extra-special this year - they bloomed the very day Molly and her mom and dad said good-bye to Mitch.

Me and Cam in front of the M & M Lily of the Valley

Now that's beautiful!

One odd thing I wanted to show you before I close - the Peonies.  They aren't in bloom yet, but I thought I'd show them to you anyway.  Check this out:

"Wow.  Thrown in jail!"

I'm not sure what they did, but both groupings of our Peonies have been put in jail this year.  I'll check with Cam and see if she knows what happened.  I'll keep you posted.

We hope you enjoyed our version of Flower Friday!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher


  1. Grreat Flower Friday, ladies! And hey, you did the link just right!! Your flowers are just beeYOUtiful as always. Momma loves your lilies of the valley. They're so dainty. I want to know what your peonies did to get thrown in jail, though. What can flowers do?? Arrested for overpollination and aggravation of allergies?

  2. Oh my goodness...Mitch's peeps will be just amazed to learn that the beautiful flowers...bloomed on that day. It was a sign from Mitch that his legacy goes on and will each year in the spring.
    Very very lovely post. We're heading over to the links now.
    Hugs madi and mom

  3. My brother seems to be visiting lots of our friends this week♥ We love seeing your beautiful gardens throughout the entire year. Something beautiful is always blooming!

  4. What lovely flowers - and all of them made better by your presence.

  5. Our peonies are in cages too but ours have hardly started growing yet. You are way ahead of us as far as the flowers and shrubs you have blooming. We are looking forward to sharing ours soon.

  6. oh - those lilacs sound wonderful - one of MOms favorite scents

  7. We have no flowers at our backyard so we really enjoy your flower post. Pink Lily is especially nice and we thought of Molly and her family.

    Momo & Pinot

  8. Your plants are ahead of ours. Our snowball bush will be awhile before it blooms and the peony is not too tall yet.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. How very beautiful your M & M pink Lilies of the Valley bloomed just for Mitch's journey to the Bridge. It gave Mama goose pinkles!!

    We also just love your wonderful garden tours!So much beauty and serenity in one place!! Thanks so much for joining us for Flower Friday!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. Hari OM
    Hellooooo!!! I LOVE lily of the valley too... yours are definitely extra special! You have a wonderfur array of plants - and you are very gorgeous guides &*> Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. We think you know how much our Mom loves those snowball viburnum. They are pretty now and even more beautiful when they are all white. Mitch and Molly's mom sent us some of those pink lily of the valley last year and Mom worked really hard to keep them going. They didn't do that well last year but they seem to be coming along now. We hope we can get some pretty pink flowers too.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  12. My mom don't haf flowerz around unless u count the dandy-lionz in the yard oh an'the red-bud tree in the front. She sed we may plant a few fer when she gitz the house ready tue sell but sez we will haf more at our new place sumtime. You 2 haz sum really purty flowerz - mom sez we gotta git sum of thoze Lily of the Valley, egspeshally the purty pink onez, after we move.
    Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

  13. Such pretty flowers! We have a little bit of lily of the valley too, it is so sweet smelling! And we used to have a peony until Kiki's construction project--the tunnel to Siberia---said it was in the way and had to go!

    Kiki and Nala
