Ha roo, pups and cool cats! It's me - Zim! As you may know, here in our hemisphere, it's the first day of Spring! We couldn't wait to see what our weather would be like - would Dad be golfing? Would we take a nice walk to the Kansas Ocean? What was in store for us? We naturally turned to our resident meteorologist, Ammy!
The biped meteorologists kept saying we were going to get blasted by a big snow storm, but we never believe them. Besides, day before yesterday it was in the 60s, so it seemed highly unlikely. But early in the day yesterday, Ammy went outside and ...
"Oh, yes. I ... I smell snow coming!"
I never doubt the Yammer, but it just seemed sooooo unlikely! Mom thought somepuppy should go up to the Top of the World (we haven't been up there in ages!) and check out the conditions from there. Ammy really didn't want to go for a car ride, Dave was busy, and Stormy was helping Dad watch basketball on TV. Perfect! I'm always game to go anywhere!!!
Me, Zim, checking the scene
Mom didn't let me drive, but that is our car back there. Anyway ... I had a look to the west, where the storm was supposed to be coming from:
Me, Zim, checking the western front (so to speak)
I told Mom I needed to walk around a bit and get more of a feel for things.
Yeah, let's go down here, Mom!
Can you see the wind blowing through my fur? It was gusting up to 30 mph by then and the temps were starting to drop. It was great!
I did lots of snoofing and exploring and other stuff, then had another look around:
I think I smell something!
Then Mom told me I was facing east, not west.
Really? Don't tell Am, OK?
I didn't say I did well in Ammy's Meteorology 101 class ...
Mom and I decided to head home, so she could get the other members of the pack out for a short walk before the snow came. Because she KNEW it was going to come, since Amber told her it would!
They got a quick one in - right before it started 'snaining'. The temps still were dropping, and by late afternoon ... well, here's a look at our favorite meteorologist:
Ammy - perfect track record with her snow-casts!
Anypup else may have been tempted to say, "I told you so," but Am is far too sweet and kind! She sure nailed it once again!
Over night, it kept coming down, but went back and forth doing an icy mix kind of thing. There was even some thunder and lightning, which Mom thought was really cool!
Here I am, checking out our front yard this morning:
Hmm... wonder if I should build a really cool snow fort here?
I opted not to do a really cool snow fort for now, but did enjoy spending some time out there in the fluffy part of the snow.
Ahh! Comfy!
Welcome, Spring!
Play bows,