Who We Are

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Hello, everyone!  The other day, we all got to go on a walk together!  Walking has been sort of "iffy" lately, due to ice and extreme cold, so Maggie and I were thrilled to be able to get out and GO!  Truthfully, I think Mom and Dad were, too.

"This is so awesome, Cam!"
"It's the BEST, Maggie!"
Mom: "Ohmygoodness, look at Cammie's feet and mud flaps!"
Dad: "I think they should both get showers when we get home."

Sure.  Mom, who edits these posts for us, claims it was Dad's idea.  I'm not so sure that's how it happened.

When we got home, Mom did a quick wipe of our feet, then BOTH of us were marched into the shower to get our undercarriages and legs showered off.  I didn't mind, really; we were both very good girls.

Mom thought we'd be tired after our walk and shower.  Maggie and I thought differently.  Let's take a look:

To view on YouTube, please click here.

It was really nice to be able to go out and WALK again!  It was definitely cause to celebrate!



  1. Missing walkies is no fun and it's nice to see that you girls make up for it inside where it's nice and warm!

  2. We definitely agree with you. Sometimes if your in the house for too long, it gets very boring. Glad to see the ice and snow is gone. A lovely walk is always the best. Guess it wasn't enough to get you two tired. Maybe after some playtime you with have a nap. Thanks for sharing the video. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  3. apparently the walk wasn't QUITE long enough :)

  4. Looks like the walk was just a warm up, BOL!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  5. So you two had a walk - just imagine the crazies here with NO walk:) And lots of mud:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. You look energized! Hope it warms up soon.

  7. We're glad to hear you gals got a walk in but we wouldn't like to have to take a shower afterwards.

  8. What a fun walk. The weather has been less than pleasant here.

  9. looks like it was an energizing walk!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. You both have so much fun, well, up until the BATH!
