Who We Are

Monday, January 27, 2020


Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  Dr. Maggie, that is.  As you may have heard, I performed a smashingly successful Fin-Ectomy on Fishie.  Here's a shot of us together:

Me - Dr. Maggie - and my patient, Fishie

That was right after his surgery, and you can see, he was still doing very well.  Oh, right.  I may have removed a tag while I was at it.

Would you like to see a close-up of my work?  Here's a shot Mom took during the procedure itself:

Fin-Ectomy in progress

Should I have warned you?  It might not be suitable viewing for those prone to be squeamish.

"Cam!  He's going to be OK - I promise!  You can look now!"

Anyway, he continues to do well - mostly because he's in the secret closet where Mom stashes our "under supervision only" toys.  He's been out a few times, but Cam and I are treating him gently.  For now.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher


  1. Bol Maggie all the Vet schools will be calling soon for a demonstation of the fin-etomy for all their students.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS thank Mom for that darling block in block post on her other blog. I've made 4 today. I started teaching myself to quilt last spring.
    Thoroughly enjoying it and I might be a wee be obsessed.

  2. Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words. I sure am having fun!!! I've been sewing since I was 10...I thought well there is no reason I can't quilt too. YouTube has great videos. I really like Jeanny Doan at Missouri Star Quilt
    Who says you can't teach a Senior lady new tricks.?
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. You did an excellent job on your fishie. Walter isn't so discriminating when it comes to removing parts from stuffies. He usually attacks more than on appendage at a time. Have fun removing the rest of his fins Maggie.

  4. He doesn't look so bad, Maggie. It could have been much much worse.

  5. aww, it's just a flesh wound, tee hee. hmmm...why does fishie look so nervous...

    minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL
