Who We Are

Friday, November 20, 2020

How 'Bout A Hug?!?

 Hi everybody!  It's me, Ragnar.  This morning was kind of weird, with everything all out of order!  We had our breakfast, but then instead of going on our walk, Mom got cleaned up and then she and Maggie left!  In the car!  It was terrible!  

... actually, not really.  I just hung out with Dad.  We did guy stuff.

Anyway ... 

Maggie was gone for about 30 whole minutes and I sure missed her!  I checked her out thoroughly when she got home - she had been to the Vet's!  I could tell.  Something about having to get a shot.

"I'm OK, Raggi.  Really!"
"Are you sure, Maggie?!?"

She seemed a little sad, so I thought she could use a hug.


I meant a Siberian Husky-style hug!

Oh.  And apparently she wasn't sad, she was doped up on Benadryl to avoid any adverse reactions to the vaccination.  Oh, well.  I think a hug was in order anyway - don't you??



  1. Hugs from us too - for both of you!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. That was so sweet of you to give your sister a "hug" after her trip to the vet.

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I'm just in love with you both! xoxo

  4. Glad Maggie returned quickly and hope she has recovered from her adventure.

  5. you are a good brother, Ragnar

    minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL
