Who We Are

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dental Health Month

Hey everypup and kit-cat!  It's me, Zim!  

Did you know that February is National Pet Dental Health Month?  Seriously.  Make sure you spend extra time on your toothies so you can stay healthy and have a great smile.

Mfft ddd wufff...

...unn dnn toofff....

und dnn fnnngs...

...mff dnn!

I hope you caught all that!

Play bows,

PS:  Ammy wants to know... if bipeds have canine teeth, do we have people teeth?  Ha roo roo roo!


  1. Zim, you're such a crack-up! My mom is laffin' and laffin'!

  2. Zim, how good it is that you are a serious toof brusher. There are many dogs who refuse this, like me, fr'instance. But I am working up to it. I will do it pretty soon. Thanks for being a good example.


  3. Oh Ammy!

    PeeEssWoo: And woo we have khwadrakhuspids?

    PeePeeEssWooWoo: Grrrrreat work Zim!

  4. we get some seaweed crap on our food that is supposed to help with our teeth and Mom swears it does. I think she is nuts.

  5. I think brushing teeth tickles and my teeth chatter when I get them brushed. =)

  6. Haaaa! that was a good one!
    I don't like to brush my teeth but I am going to do it now!
    Kisses and hugs

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Oh Zim! You are so good with your demonstration of brushing teeth! And we think Ammy's question is a valid one!

  8. Woo is such a great example to us!!! I think I might even brush!!

    Mya Boo Boo

  9. Do WOO use toothpaste?

    WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
    Kayla and Maebe

  10. Ammy is sooooooo funny and you Zim are a shining example of tooth brightness in a dark and dismal sky!

    Yay for white teethies.

    although my Jeannie says we are kinda behind with the teeth here in the UK, kinda thinking of Austin Powers movies and such.

    dear me,

    I have lots of nice chewy dental chews to keep my toothie pegs whiter than white, I don't pawtickularly like the brush.......

    lotsaluv Marv xxx

  11. Ammy is sooooooo funny and you Zim are a shining example of tooth brightness in a dark and dismal sky!

    Yay for white teethies.

    although my Jeannie says we are kinda behind with the teeth here in the UK, kinda thinking of Austin Powers movies and such.

    dear me,

    I have lots of nice chewy dental chews to keep my toothie pegs whiter than white, I don't pawtickularly like the brush.......

    lotsaluv Marv xxx

  12. ooops sorry blogger was playing up, think I may have posted twice there.

    oh well, my teeth are so whitey white and bright, they glow twice as much............

  13. Ahhh Zimmy,
    You are a shining example of bright teefy teefs. I just got my teefs so they are all brand new. I need to keep em clean so I too can be all shiny like. I haven't tried it yet on account of me not having thumbs and all, but I will surely get j and k to give em a good brushin.

    Thanks for the advice and paws atcha.

  14. Zimmie, you make me laugh so much.

    I want to know if Ammy gets her teeth brushed too. I can't imagine the Jaws of Steel letting that toothbrush last too long.

    Huffle Mawson

  15. Excellent demonstration Zim. We are all different in our enjoyment level of toothbrushing, but the doggy toothpaste tastes really good so we all try. We do get dental cleanings done every few years too. In fact, Natasha and Kodiak are doing it this year as part of dental month (actually first week of March, but our vet is so great that she has dental month until March 15!).

  16. BOL Zim. You are furry well behaved while you get your toofies brushed. I hate having mine done, even when Mum uses beef flavoured toofie paste.
    Big licks to you

  17. Ammy , woo are too funny - we don't let mom do our teeth - maybe we should give it another try. Thanks for the lesson, Zim.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  18. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Its furry nice to meet you Zim. How come the others don't have to have their teeth brushed?
    Gruffs from the Scruff

  19. Did you brush for 3 whole minutes, Zim?!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  20. Very nice demonstration of teeth brushing there! Do you use cookie flavored tooth paste?

  21. Cween da teefies!! Good doggeh!

    Gus and Waldo

  22. Grrr grrr grr is all we say when Mum comes near our teefs, heehee! Then she gives up and gives us bones instead to clean them. And carrots. And apples. So it worked out ok for us!
    Good dogs let their Mums do that...BOL! Well done you, keep up the good work! Funny post....and we get to look deep into those beautiful peepers....Thank-wooo!
    Slobbers xx

  23. Umm...I don't like to brush my teeth, but I like to eat the toothpaste!


  24. Couldn't catch all of what you said...but I bet you have really shiny white teeth!

  25. PS: Mom is trying to convince dad to get another Sibe! :)


  26. Excellent demonstration, Zim! I hate to have my teeth brushed, but I'm totally in favor of Mom giving me frozen chicken for supper once a week to work on the flossing.


  27. Good job Zim! I hate getting my teeth brushed but Mom just tried it this morning...YUCK! Mom says she made her Kindergarteners do a little brushing too as it is National Dental Health Month. :) Poor kids! I LOVE your brushing pictures though. :)


  28. Hi Zimmie,
    What a good boy to have your teeth brushed without a fuss. It actually looks like you are enjoying that. Mum wants to know what flavour your toothpaste is. WE absolutely will not let mum get anywhere near our mouths with that evil tooth brush!

  29. Zim you are great.. Mom has never tried to brush our teeth. The reds probably would chew up the brush like they do all our other brushes..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  30. HaRooo Zim!
    Maw tries to do da same thing to us. It's okay. I do like da flavor of da beefy toof paste.
    I do prefur my special meessages.

    Husky kisses,

  31. Anonymous1:17 PM

    We have liver flavoured tooth paste at home but Ma has never tried to brush our teeth. She's afraid that we swallow the little brush :)

  32. I think I got it...kind of ;)
