Who We Are

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hi everypuppy and everykitty!  You heard right - today is my Amaversary!  Ten, count 'em, ten years ago today, Mom and Dad brought me home to Stormy (who had just given birth to me!) and great brother Booter!  You can read the full story at this link, if you'd like!

I have some "then and now" pictures for you!  Here I am on my first Sentry Duty on the deck with Boots and Storm!

Booter, me and Storm on Sentry Duty!

And here we are, taking some time for PT:

Stormy and me running, Booter waiting for Mom to ask him to round us up!

And here are some more recent pix!  First is all of us on Sentry Duty on the deck:

The Ao4 on Sentry Duty on the deck

And here are some pictures of me and Stormy from a walk we took just yesterday!

Checking for p-mail by our neighbors' mailbox

Checking for Oswald!

Mom tried to get us to pose for some pictures, but Stormy said we shouldn't... so we didn't!  Hee hee hee!  A lady walked by with a baby in a baby stroller, though, and while we were checking them out, Mom snapped this:

Look Am!  A baby!
And a lady!

Whew!  We almost looked at the camera!  Hee hee hee!

Mom also took this video of us.  It's not exciting, but it's us heading home on our walk.

And finally... it's also Mother's Day.  Happy Mother's Day to all those who play the role of mom, whether they stand on two legs or four!  As a special treat to our mom, one of her VERY favorite flowers came up as a volunteer by our mailbox and is in full bloom today!

Happy Mother's Day!

Everyone is invited over to Ao4 HQs to help celebrate my Ammyversary.  There will be walks, zoomies, "arr-arr"s, NO brushing, nail clipping or baths, and lots and lots of love and giggling!  Come on over!



  1. Happy Ammyversary!
    I'd love to be there with you celebrating your big day!
    Happy Mother's Day too!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. Happy Ammyversary!!
    We will be right over, sounds like great fun.
    Martha liked the sound of your mom's voice on the video - she came over and wagged her tail! Does your mom know Martha?
    The flower is beautiful. Happy Mothers Day to your mom. We will go read your link.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  3. Happy Amaversary!

    Woo were such a wee one way bakhk then!

    Tank woo fur sharing your day with us!

    Woo girrrrrls looked fantastikh prancing and posing(not)!

    Happy Mother's Day too!

    PeeEssWoo: I'm sure Eva has shown Bricey where the keys are kept - get ready!

  4. Happy Ammaversary, Ammy - you are as beautiful and special now as you were then. Hope you and the rest of the family have a wonderful day together.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  5. Woo had us at Arr Arr's Ammy!

    What a GREAT day for an
    Ammyversary Day! Such a
    special girrrrrl.

    Frankie wanted to Woo to woo
    that she DID recieve a nasty
    brushing today, and we are going to make mom feel really bad because it's your Ammyversay day and woo all know it shouldn't have
    happened on such a day as this.

    Wooooo Woooo Ammy! We all luv
    you precious sibe girl.

    Frankie, Maddie, Domi

    (My mom just woo'ed in and said * Please Kiss that adorable Ammy Snoooooter for her* ok! )

  6. Happy Happy Ammyversary!!! Woo is soooo lucky!!! I will be right over for the pawty! Do woo have lots of furrie friends coming? I hope so!! Happy Mother's Day!!!

    Mya Boo Boo

  7. Happy Ammyversary! I am so honored to have been a part of the big '10'

    Very cool! WIsh I was there for some zoomies!

    Love and FUzz,


  8. Happy Amaversary Ammy!
    Thanks for sharing the story of your 'birth' too.
    ~lickies, Ludo

  9. omdog HAPPY AMAVERSARY!! and Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!!!

  10. congrats!!!
    Happy Ammyversary!
    that video is very fun :D

    hugs and kisses from kikos world

  11. Happy Amaversary! and Happy Mother's Day too!!

    prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
    Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

  12. Oh Happy Ammaversary Ammy! Wow, ten whole years, I bet it feels like it was just yesterday!
    We LOVED your short clip, you ladies are lookin F-I-N-E!
    Happy Mother's Day, hope you gave your Mom some belly rubs for a change, hehe! Nice that the cute pansy came out to say hi too ;D
    Slobbers xx

  13. Happy Amaversary Ammy.

    It looks like you had a great day.

    Can we come to your pawty? we would love to come and play with you four. It sounds Fun!...:-)

    Holly & Zac...XX

  14. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Happy birthday to woo,
    Happy birthday to woo,
    Happy birthday dear Ammy,
    Happy birthday to woooooooooo!

    Love, tail swops and cookies,
    Chapin (11.75), Billy and Bonnie (both 9.5) and Duffy (3.75)
    ...and from the lady who types for them! Many happy, healthy returns of the day, and please don't pee on the pansy!

  15. Happy Ammyversary! What an exciting day! You've grown so much Ammy. I can't believe you're 10 years old either!

    Huffle Mawson

    Purr S: my mum said to tell your mum that Stormy looks VERY good in that video.

  16. Woooo. Happy Ammyversary. We love the adoptaversary days and salute your humans for adding you the pack.

  17. Happy Ammaversary!!! Woo is a furry special girl! My how time flies. Did woo see it go by?
    Happy Maw's Day to your hooman!

    Husky kisses,

  18. Happy Ammyversary! I would love to come over and do Zoomies! :)

    Happy Mother's Day to your mom!


  19. Happy Ammyversary!!!! me will b there, sounds like fun..

    b safe,

  20. Happy Ammyversary!!! It sure sounds like you had a wonderful day, and it was a great way to celebrate Mothers Day!!


  21. Happy Amaversary! What a special story and such a happy day! Wish we could be there for your pawty!

  22. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Happy Ammyversary, Ammy! You don't look a year older than three :) Booter must have had a tough job keeping you Sibes in check!

  23. Happy Amaversary!
    Big licks to you

  24. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Happy Anniversary!! We loved your old photies!

    Love Scott xx

  25. Darling Ammy,
    I did try to come see you but I lost our GPS unit and ended up driving to Canada. I hope you had a fun Ammaversary and I'll plan better next year.


  26. Happy Anniversary Ammy!! That is so cool and you were very cute on the deck as a wee pup. :) Also, tell your Mom Happy Mother's Day from us....we hope it was a great one. :)


  27. Happy Ammyversary, Amber! So sorry I am late, we still having some computer probs, the mouse is still being very naughty.

    However, my J says she will soon get the better of the mouse.......I have no idea what she is barking about!

    Your day looked lovely and your ten years have turned you into a poet it seems

    "A Baby
    And A Lady"

    Wow, Kind Sonnety and Shakessperian if you don't mind me remarking Amber!!

    lotsaluv, Marvin Who is Better Late than Never.........

  28. Happy belated Ammyversary! We hope you had the best day ever!
    Your mom's pansy is just beautiful!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  29. Happy Ammyversary!! You sure have changed a lot in the last 10 years, but then again, so has your backyard!


  30. Happy Ammyversary!!

    We hope you got extra treats on your big day! Looks like you had lots of fun with your sibs.

    Chasing my Tale...
    Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

  31. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Cngratulations Amber, you don't look old enough to be celebrating a 10th anniversary.
    - TBH
