Who We Are

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Road March

Hello, everyone, it's me, Cam.  I've learned SO MUCH since I've joined the Army of Four!  Lately, I've been focusing real hard on the morning routine. Zim's taught me a lot about that!  It starts at about 4 o'clock -- I mean 0400 - when Drill SGT Zim wakes Mom up.  He gets to go outside to go potty, then gets a treat.  Hmm.  I've decided I'd like to do that, too, so I've been getting up with Zimmie to start the day Army-style!  We nap until Dad gets a cup of coffee and try to wait until the sun's up - then the two of us head out on a road march with Dad!  (Mom goes back to sleep stays with Davy and takes him out when he gets up; he's not as much of a morning pup as Zim and I are.)

Anyway, we saw some really wonderful things the other morning and Dad snapped some pix with his iPhone!  Here's the first thing I saw!

"Down by the water, Dad!  Do you see her, Zim?!?"
"Oooh, what's this?"

I saw a deer, getting a drink out of Little Kitten Creek!!!  Zim was snarfing something tasty off the sidewalk in that photo, but he eventually saw her, too!  (Sorry the shot is blurry - remember, it was dawn!  ...and something about having two Siberian Huskies on leashes... I'm not clear on that part.)

You can see her better here:


It was mighty exciting, as you can imagine!

Over by our fire station, I spotted this!


Can you see him?

"That's not dinner, Cam!  That's a turkey!"

Can you believe that?!?!  A turkey!  Zim said he and Dad see them a lot in the mornings!

"Hi, Tom!"
"Zim!  Is that you?"  

How does Zim lure prey over like that?!?  Errr.... I mean his "friends".

"Who's that with you?"
"This is my new sister.  I think maybe you shouldn't come much closer, Tom.  For safety's sake."

My brother amazes me sometimes.

Anyway - here's another picture of Tom:


Now you know why I'm more than happy to get up with Drill SGT Zim and start the day early!  Look at all the excitement I'd miss!  Thanks for coming with us on our first road march of the day!



  1. Camo! I like your style!


  2. Oh what interesting things you saw. A deer and turkey amazing!! That water and pretty green grass was nice too. No wonder you enjoy your morning walks. Hugs and nose kisses

  3. Um, who says woo can't have turkey for breakfast??


  4. Cam: don't believe a word Zim tells you.... turkey = dinner

  5. Camo, we're with you; turkey = dinner. Of course, we also think moose = big dogs with antlers, so we might not exactly be the best judges of things. We're impressed that you get your human to take you out at 0400! We have to wait until 0445. (And Mom always mutters about oh-dark-thirty; as usual, we have No Idea what she's talking about.) But it looks like an awesome walkie! We're so glad the boys have you!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  6. OMD that is an early start. We enjoyed meeting dinner opps sorry we meant Tom. We are great sleepers so we don't wake our peeps up too early which pleases the lazy one as she is a useless get upper. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. I knew that in no time you'd have all the rules of the pack down. Glad you got to see some critters-deer are much prettier than turkeys.
    Paws and enjoy your day.
    Noreen & Hunter

  8. I am kind of with Camo on this one. I could go for some turkey right now.

    Loveys Sasha

  9. Monty is right there with you, Cam! Sam wants to make friends with his food.


  10. We love those early morning marches, except if a skunk is involved. Happy Marching!!

  11. We can't believe it! We're up at 4AM too but walkies don't happen until 7.
    We'd be calling Tom dinner too, Camo!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  12. It is so important to keep order in a household and I am sure that Zim appreciates your support in doing the morning wakeup call. I, too, am compelled to make sure momma does not lay abed too long in the morning (but I usually let her sleep until 0500).

    The deer can by quite camera shy. You are lucky your human was quick enough to get a shot. As for those turkeys, I hear they can be a bit mean in the wild, so best to keep your distance.


  13. That IS an exciting start to the day :)

  14. Maybe if Davy knew what all was out that early he'd want to come too! Camo, we want to have dinner with you cause you like the good stuff!

  15. Looks like a nature walk Cammie
    Benny & Lily

  16. And our parents thought 0700 was early! You sure see some cool things out there.

    Millie & Walter

  17. Dinner...hahhhaha. KNow what Cam-a-Roo, my MOM made turkey for lunch for the people at the homeless shelter today. Yummmm turkey. Those morning walks are worth getting up for. Love the deer. I will tell you a secret. While I am pretty good about not chasing most stuff, but it's deer that get me. I love the chase. MOM says it's because that is what my breed was bred to do, chase and bring down deer and elk. I've chased, but never brought down. MOM says good thing.

  18. Now when we go for our nightly walk in our driveway (its a long story) mom lets us walk on long leashes and we pretend we are you guys...yep we a walking just like zim,dave and cammi!
    stella rose

  19. I'm with you, Camo. That sure looks like dinner to me! Hey, maybe we can get together sometime, and I'll help you catch him.

  20. You'll see that turkey again in November... only in a different form

    Stop on by for a visit

  21. Hi Dave, Zim and Camo!!

    Our overseas visitors left this morning so we're FINALLY starting to catch up!!! How exciting to meet a new Army member! Sorry for not coming over sooner, Camo, but it's nice to meet you! :-)

    But OMG - you actually go out at 4am??!! That's like the middle of the night! No self-respecting Dane would get up before 8am...at least! ;-)

    You did have a really cool walk though - I can't believe you saw an actual real life wild deer! And a turkey! I've only seen those sliced up in plastic bags, from the supermarket...! ;-)

    Honey the Great Dane
