Who We Are

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Finer Points of Making Honey Buns

Or is it Cinnamon Buns?  I'm not sure.

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cam.  I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend.  To help out, I thought I'd post some honey bun pix.  They're complex, but really worth trying out!

First up is one you've seen before - the Relaxed Honey Bun.

Relaxed Honey Bun

Or Cinnamon Bun. Whatever you'd like to call it!  Please note the position of my front legs - one tuck, one out.  That's what separates this pose from the Traditional Honey Bun!

Traditional Honey Bun

You can also do a nose tuck under your tail, to change that up a bit.  Like so:

Traditional Honey Bun with Nose Tuck

Next up is a Relaxed Honey Bun with Feet Gathering:

Relaxed Honey Bun with Feet Gathering

You may never have heard of that one, because it's quite complicated and very tough to hold.  It's not for the novice!  Let's go in for a close-up on that one:

"Must ... hold ... position!"

Do you like my front feety-feet all curled up?  Yes.  Yes, it is quite difficult, but remember - I'm a member of the Working Breed class.  

Go slowly as you try out these Honey Bun positions and I'm sure you'll be able to master them in no time at all!  Good luck!



  1. those are great buns!! MOL......

  2. Our mom is DROOLING over the HONEY CINNAMON bun pictures!!

  3. I'm all a drool over your buns... positions. hehhe. You are the master Can-a-Rooo. Everyone loves a honey bun, me especially.

  4. Your demonstrations are fantastic. We will give it a try, but it might take a while since we are so young.

    Millie & Walter

  5. Hi there, Wow you are very talented!! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Wags, Noreen & Hunter

  6. Those are very huggable buns!


  7. That was an excellent post and I have learned so much. I am going to work on some of those right now.

    Happy Mommies Day to your Mom

    Loveys Sasha

  8. Those are some tough positions, but Andy might be able to pull it off. He is a northern dog, so he has the best chance.
    Happy Mommies Day to your mommy

  9. You have the most luxurious coat, Camo! We love your bun positions!
    Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  10. Oh Wow Cam a DOGA lesson. We must go and try out some bun positions. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. All you need are some almonds on your head
    Benny & Lily

  12. WOW! Grrl, I already knew you were beeYOUtiful and smart and sweet and hard-working, but I didn't know you were so TALENTED!!
