Greetings to all! It's me, Maggie! So there I was the other day, just helping Mom decorate living room, getting it all Christmas-y looking ...
We were going through the ornaments for the more eclectic tree. We unpacked the Husky Knocking A Snowman Over ornam----- I mean the Husky Helping A Snowman Up After He Fell Over ornament:
"Oh, cool! I like this one!" |
And a seashell Mom's mom painted for her years and years and years and (
"MAGGIE!") - just a few years ago:
"Hi, Santa!" |
And we also unpacked the special Beagle and Black Lab ornaments:
A Beagle to remember Sam and Rookie; a Black Lab to represent our great-brother Booter |
Sam and Rookie are the Beagles Mom grew up with; our great-brother Booter was a Black Lab/Australian Shepherd mix! Mom loves hanging ornaments on the tree that remind her of them!
Then ...
THEN ...
THEN ...
Mom seemed to be trying to sneak something out of the box-o-ornaments. I had to see what she was trying to hide!
"Move that paw out of the way, Mom!"
"Nothing to see here, Mags! Reeeeeally." |
Yeah, right. I reminded HER that Santa was watching ... and she moved her -- did I say "
paw" before? I meant "
hand". She moved her hand out of the way ... and
"Uh oh." |
Yes, it was Sock Monkey!
The last time I saw him, I was helping Mom box him up after Christmas last year. I wanted him, dear readers.
All Christmas season long. But every time I tried to even get close to him, either Mom or Dad were watching me, or
Cammie was watching me, or ...
"I think it's time to hang this little German bell on the tree, huh, Mags?"
"Not the triple M!" |
Yep. The ol' triple M -
Maggie Motion Monitor. Sigh. Once known as the
Zim Detection Device, it was renamed as I try to carry on Zim's legacy of Christmas fun! Sadly, it's quite effective at letting everyone know when I'm trying to make things interesting -- or as the saying goes:
"Every time a bell rings, a Siberian is too close to the Christmas tree." Yeah, well ...
"Heh heh heh heh heh..." |
Laugh all you want, Sock Monkey, from your perch high in the Christmas tree. This is the year! I can feel it! I WILL get you!
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher