Who We Are

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Serene Sunday

Greetings to all! It's me, Maggie.  Lately, Ragnar and I have been doing a bit of this in the late afternoons:

"Oops.  Quick!  Act natural!"
"Got it, Mags!"

And a bit of this:

"Nothing to see here, Mom.  Really."
"Yeah.  I was just ... um ... showing Mags some yoga moves."
"OK ..."
Oh, don't get me wrong.  We're Siberian Huskies.  There's also plenty of this:

"I've got the high ground, Raggi!"
"Not for long, Mags!"

But, for reasons I won't share here (since Mom types this for us), we also have been, like I said, having lots of moments like this:

"What?!?  We weren't doing anything."
"So you go up to a small bush or something, Mags, and---OH!  Never mind.  Tell ya later."

We look TOTALLY serene, don't we?  And innocent, too.  Trust me.  We're Siberian Huskies!

Yours sincerley

Margaret Thatcher 


  1. You two are perfectly well mannered pups. We don't see any evidence of any shenanigans there.

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    you look totally innocent and adorable to me! xoxo

  3. You two are much more serene for late afternoon than we ever are. Once we hit 4:00, Mom says we turn into maniacs. Right before dinner time, we must admit that we do get a bit wound up. That stair action looks very familiar to us:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. yes, totally serene and innocent ::wink wink::
    tee hee!

    minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL
