Hi everybody. It's me, Ragnar. Remember yesterday, Maggie told you about us seeing cows at the park?!? That was SO exciting! Mags also mentioned that Mom said she might have a surprise for us in the evening?!? Well, guess what?!?! We got to go to the cattle drive in downtown Aggieville! It was so cool! Mom took 10 million pix; I'll link to her FlickR album later but for now, here are our favorites!
At first, we hung back from the crowd a bit, so Mags and I could sort of get acclimated. There were probably about 500 people there, and we haven't really been around crowds like that.
Me, Dad, and Mags |
Eventually, we made our way through the crowd ...
We headed toward that brick building in the background |
...and to the back part of the stage, where the cows were going to come in.
A look from the other end! |
We made 100s of friends. Mom and Dad said they were so proud of us -- we were calm and quiet and friendly to everyone. I even got to meet tiny bipeds who like to giggle. That was very fun.
"Nice meeting you, lady!" "Yeah. And -- ooh! I love your purse!" |
We had a bit of a wait to see the cows. There was music, and vendors selling stuff, and a fashion show and all kinds of stuff going on! Dad even took a picture of us with Mom:
Me and Mags with Mom |
We did get a little bored after a while, so ...
"Might as well get comfy!" |
THEN ... before we knew it ...
COWS!!! |
"Did you see them, Raggi?!?!" "Yeah! How COOL!!"
We had front-row seats!
COW!! (He might need a drool cloth ...) |
Brown cow!!! |
A spotty-faced cow!!! |
That spotty-faced cow had my complete, undivided attention!
"Oooh, I really like that spotty-faced one!" |
There were people walking past us from behind, so we made sure to let them know we were available for ear scratches and general petting.
"Hello!" "Hello people of Aggieville!" |
Maggie has helped me learn how to work a crowd. It was fun and the people were all very kind.
Then it was back to the cows!
"That's a handsome one!" "He IS!" |
"This guy could be his twin, Raggi!" "He could be!" |
We loved seeing ALL the cows ... but we both were kind of partial to the spotty-faced one.
"Mom? Dad? We'd like to adopt the spotty-faced cow, please." "Yeah! Can we?!?!" "I ... uh ... remember how much room he'd take up in the bed!?!" |
I forgot about that.
What a great, fun evening, even if we didn't get to bring a cow home! AND we parked a mile away from the festivities, so we got a nice walk in, too!
If you'd like to see any more of our pix from last night, please click here!