Who We Are

Monday, May 16, 2022

Quick Lesson

Greetings to all! It's me, Mags. We walked up Grand Mère Trail today, and when we do, we always stop for a break at the stone benches. Mom usually tries to get a shot of Ragnar and me - and today was no different. We hopped right up ... and I thought I should give Raggi a quick lesson about posing.
"OK, Ragnar!  Watch and learn.  Go ahead and pose like a rock star on the next shot."
"OK, Mags!"
"Look this way and smile, puppies!"

"Oh, no, Mom!  We're so terribly back-lit!  This will never do!"
"Ha wooooo!  Good one, Mags!"
"Good boy, Rag---Margaret Thatcher!"

Then she mumbled something about having us turn the other way and ...

"I'll smile, but I won't look at her.  OK, Mags?"
"Oh, c'mon, Mags. Smile!!!"
"No.  The sun's in my eyes!"

That did quite work out as planned ... but we did get a cookie.  And some water.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

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