He was in a golf tournament in some place called Lawrence (Stormy said that's where those blue-colored Birds live that all the Cats around here squawk about!) and he was going to make a couple stops on the way there. He said he'd stop and pick us up some supper-dupper food (yea!) and that he was going to see someone else, too. Being the curious guy I am, I peeked into one of the brochures he brought back to see who he met and saw something quite startling! Check out this business card!
"Osvaldo"? "OSVALDO"? I knew I hadn't seen him in a little while but I never expected this! It's not enough that the little guy rented out space under all our shrubs and bushes as condos for other bunnies, but now he's selling Toyotas and Scions?!!? What an entrepreneur! And who knew he speaks Spanish!
This is really shocking. I need a cookie. Or some free-holies....
Play bows,