There came a day when it was time to pack it up and for everyone to head to the States!
For Mom and Dad, this was coming home. For our great-sisters, the US was a land full of curious things! Their first stop was Virginia. There, they met their fur-cousin, Jackie Blue, learned how to splash in a kiddie pool to beat the heat, and were introduced to closets for the first time. See... in Mom and Dad's house in Belgium, as in many houses in Europe, there were no closets. Every time Mom would go into a closet at first, the girls would follow her, then act surprised - like "They have such small rooms here in America!" Ha roo roo roo!
They also experienced crunchy autumn leaves for the first time (it rains a lot in Belgium) and their first Halloween. Lucky didn't care for all the ringing of the doorbell, then no one coming in to admire her, but Jesse thought it was a blast. Mom let her help hand out the candy!
When they lived at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Jesse and Lucky were delighted to see there were a lot of children in the neighborhood. One little girl in particular would stop by almost daily to see if they could come out to play. Here they are with her, playing "Button Button".

It's a game where the biped "hides" a treat in one fist, then presents both fists to the Sibes. The pup then taps whichever hand the treat is in. Jesse really excelled at "Button Button". In the photo above, Jesse was playing, while Lucky patiently waited her turn - while checking out the rest of the neighborhood!
The girls were fed in the kitchen, but Jesse was used to dining in some of the best restaurants in Europe, so she would somehow bring her bowl into the dining room. Mom has no idea how she did it. Here she is, saying grace before eating.
They still went on cool trips in the States. Here they are with Dad in Parkville, Missouri.
I wonder if they knew Missouri would be the future home of our future president, Tubey! Maybe not. Parkville is actually closer to where the D'Azul Siberians live anyway.
They moved with Mom and Dad again, not too far from the current Ao4 HQs, when Dad got his first assignment to Fort Riley. While there, they made friends with Sam, a really cool guy who was Mom's friend's pup. He did a lot of sleep-overs with them and they had tons of fun. Here they are at Christmas of '87.
Sam, Lucky and Jesse
Oh, we know what SOME of you might be thinking. "Caught looking at Christmas presents", right? No. Not them. Look at how INNOCENT they look! Really! We're sure they weren't peeking at ALL.
When Sam's mom (who is Rocky and Mati's dad's cousin, by the way!) adopted him from the shelter, she was told he was a "beagle mix". It wasn't until she saw him towering over our great-sisters that she realized Sam-the-70-pound-Beagle might just have a little something else in him, too. Ha roo roo roo!
It was during a Sam Sleep-Over in July of '88 that something REALLY cool happened! Mom and Dad were adopted by great-brother Booter! Here they all are on his first day home!
Left to right: Booter, Lucky, Sam, and Jesse
They played and played in the back yard together; it looks like a blast, doesn't it? Then Booter and Sam played fetch with Mom for a long time. The girls were fascinated with this, as they believed in the Siberian philosophy of "you threw it, you go get it". Booter loved the game, though, and would even bring the Frisbee or ball to them thinking they might throw it for him!
Here's the whole pack, taking a break:
Sam and Booter in front; Jesse and Lucky in the back.
Lucky and Jesse taught Boots a lot about the ways of the Siberian, and he, in turn, regaled us girls (Storm and Ammy) with all their tales. Here are Lucky and Boots on his first day in the family; you can see Lucky is praising him!
Good Booter! Obey me and I will teach you the ways of the Siberian!
Remember a long time ago, Storm shared a picture of her first day home - with great-brother Booter!
Lucky and Jesse went on to have many, many more adventures with Mom, Dad and Booter. As this is a celebration of their life, we will end our Salute to Jesse and Lucky right here. They were, indeed, and always will be - GREAT sisters!
The Army of Four
Hi Ao4,
ReplyDeleteLove your tribute to your great sisters! Very beautiful and done with a lot of love. You are truly blessed to have had such wonderful great sisters.
It looks like everwoo had a great time!
ReplyDeleteOh yes!
ReplyDeleteAnother great salute to your great sisters!!
Paw, you're IT!!!
What a wonderful post!! I, alas, don't have any sisters or even brothers :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a lucky and gorgeous bunch you are!!
love, licks and tail-wags,
Ben xxx
Wow! What a fantastic conclusion to April's Sunday Salutes... however, I know of some other stories out there, so you may need to have Jesse and Lucky make a guest appearance VERY soon to share :)
Oh I forgot to say that the photo of Lucky and Booter is AWESOME!!!!
Another heartwarming chapter about your great sisters. We also enjoy hearing about Booter, and now Sam -who Shadow thinks is quite charming.
Woos & a-roos,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing all these great pictures & stories. Your sisters rocked!
Star & Jack"oh no, she's not MY sister" a-roo
What a wonderful Salute it has been too! They were all quite beautiful, and I'm sure your humans miss them all very much.
How wonderful! Dad says he remembers Booter and Lucky - and he remembers how he got to stay with Lucky for a few days and how Lucky would sleep in on the bed with Dad and not get up until after he took a shower and dressed! (*just like Mati by the way*). Then Booter got some raquetballs and he would sqooosh squooosh squooosh them! Crazy. I had some raquetballs, but I buried them for safe keeping in the back yard. Dad would throw them, but they could get lost! So I put them away. - Great Salute! Love Rocky and Mati
ReplyDeleteAw.. your great sisters sure are very pretty
ReplyDelete~ Girl girl
ReplyDeleteThat is a great tribute to your Great Sisters! They are both really beautiful girls..
Hi Guys,
ReplyDeleteThat was a very nice story of your great sisters and how they came to America. Sam's face could pass as a beagle mix but his size.....! Its wonderful to look back on such great memories. We can see that your parents have always been dog people but wanted to ask if there were ever any cats on the scene?
Jazz and Dixie
P.S We also had a great sister in Oz the we never met called Jesse.
Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I have really enjoyed watching Lucky and Jesse grow up!
Thanks for telling us about all of them! They look like they were a happy happy pack!