Who We Are

Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Finish Friday

Ha roo, pups and cool cats! It's me, Zim, here with Photo Finish Friday! I'm pretty late with my post, so let's get right to business! Mom took one cool portrait shot of me and played around with it in PhotoShop Elements. We thought we'd show you the different effects we got. Ready?

Here's the "before":

DSCN6390 Zim
Me. Zim.

How about we turn that into a framed painting?

DSCN6390framepaint Zim

Or maybe a cartoon with a cool camo border?

DSCN6390cartoon Zim

Or how about a pencil sketch, with just a few small touches of color?

DSCN6390bwcolor Zim

I can't decide which one I like best! What do you all think? Do your bipeds go crazy with photos like this?

Play bows,


  1. I like them all! Beth likes the first one. She said you have the coolest eyes! I agree!

  2. We like them all Zim, let's face it with a subject as cool as you are your mom really can't go wrong!
    We were wondering if Dave might be part basset - that selective hearing thing is very common with us bassets but we thought you sibes were more attentive!
    love and kisses
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  3. Well, we know being a Sibe that Zim probably has many qualities that make him a cartoon character, we vote for the pencil sketch with his eyes in living color. Very cool Zim.

    Remy and Flash

  4. We like the pencil sketch the best..
    Mom was reading about the water bath for the cheese cake too. She tried baking it at 325 but it seemed to take a long time to bake.. Maybe 350 with the bath. We will try that next time...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  5. Gosh, I like the first one the best.


  6. I think the black and white one with your beautiful eyes colored in is pawsome!


  7. I like the third one best! So handsome!


  8. I can't believe you're giving my mu ideas like that, Zimmie!


  9. Those all are great because they are of you Zim but we have to go with the first one because we prefer you au natural! Our mommy has no idea how to do any photo editing so she can't do things like your mom can.

  10. We think every photo is very handsome, but we like the first one=simply gorgeous and the pencil sketch=very cool, unique..Happy weekend, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  11. I like them all!!
    Mom's downloaded a photo editing on her iphone and she's crazy about it..playing around with my pics!!


  12. We love the cartoon with the camo border best! Mom loves playing with our photos too!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  13. Oh, our hu-dad is mangling pictures daily as he is on a crash course to learn PS.

  14. My favorite is the framed painting one. :)

    But when your in the photo they are all lovely.

  15. It's so hard to chose! They are all so nice!


  16. w00fs, me likes all of them and couldnt pik just one..

    b safe,

  17. We like them all! How can you pick just one with a beautiful face like yours??? Gotta love that PhotoShop! It's a fun Human toy!
