Who We Are

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kicking Back

Ha roo, pups and cool cats. It's me, Zim! You know, after I take Dad for some early morning exercise, there's nothing I like better than to get a nice drink of water, then kick back and relax. The key at this time of the year is to find some place cool. Our kitchen/breakfast room floor is really cool, but kind of busy. I like my own space sometimes, so I head here:

DSCN5532 Zim

Yep, the Master Bathroom! Cool floor, privacy, and an air conditioning vent nearby. Oh, it's right beyond my head. Try this look:

DSCN5533 Zim

Can you see it now? Yeah. Nice and cool. And private.

DSCN5534 Zim

Seriously, Mom. What's a guy got to do to get a little privacy around here?

Stay cool, everypup and everykitty. And all kidding aside, for many of us the hot, hot summer weather is upon us and it's nothing to mess around with! One of our favorite veterinarians at KSU Vet Med Teaching Hospital wrote a great article about it; we encourage you to read it here! Safety first!!!

Play bows,


  1. Great article! They certainly make sure I am cool at all times. It is so important for all of us. You look very comfy. Enjoy your day.

  2. Wooos Zimmy! I love the bathroom too! Nice ,cool and private! The Perfect place fur a nap!
    ~husky kisses~
    -Kira The BeaWootiful

  3. Good choice on cooling off location!
    Last year the temps got up to the low 100s here in Seattle and I think we all were about to over heat! Darwin's favorite place was right in front of the fan with a wet towel on her back!

  4. Zim, how wonderful!I like taking my Mom out for her morning walk too - Though I don't have acess to the master bathroom (all the foster babies get the bathrooms!) i like to lay on the tile outside mom's bedroom. Stay Cool!
    Daisy Mae

  5. But where are the tufts of hair drifting across the floor? Our hu-dad is most impressed.

  6. oh er, are you legs ok?

    Or are you just Ahead of Yourself......


    Marv xxxxxxxxx

  7. Thanks for the great article link Zim!! Mama is all about keeping us cool and even has to MAKE Miss Dory come inside to cool off in the afternoons. Silly girl!


  8. We like sleeping in our crate which is right by the cool vents...Plus momma puts a small sheet that is cooler than our snuzzy.

    Wags and Licks,
    Mollie Jo & Bobo
    & Uncle Puppy

  9. That is a very good article! We stay inside as much as possible when it's this hot and humid. Zim, you look very comfortable in your master bathroom!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  10. Looks like you are having a good day Zimm, walking your Paw, breakfast, now relaxing... nice
    Benny & Lily

  11. Hi Zim, that was a very good article. We are finding it hot and have been going out in the evenings for our walks.
    We bassets, like you siberians, are not so keen on the heat.
    You look very cool beside the air vent - it is never that warm in the UK usually and the only place we have air conditioning is in the car.
    We hope you nice private place stays that way - it can be hard to find peace sometimes.
    Martha and Bailey sss

  12. Good Choice......you look very much relaxed!

    Have you ever noticed how often hoomans wants to come take a piktur and bother us when we is relaxing and/or sleeping?!?!?


  13. Zim you know exactly where to get away but that Mom has to find you!!!

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  14. Hi handsome Zimmy, enjoy your cool nap, sweetie...Happy dreams lovely friend...kisses and hugs x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  15. You are one cool cat, Zimmie!


  16. That was a great article! Our favorite spot to rest is on the huge hearth stones! They stay cold all day long!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  17. Thanks for telling, Zim! Again, sorries that Mom is so AWOL lately. Love your sleeping place - you look furry comfy and cool! We are lucky that it's generally very cool over here - come visit! We'll play kong in the water!
    Hugs xoxoxo

  18. That's a great article Zim! Those vets at K-State are very smart and we hope lots of beans see it so they know safety first too!

    That's quite the private place you found to stay cool but it seems no place is safe from the pawpawrazzi!

    We haven't heard back from Sadie's vet yet so don't know what she will determine about her high BP. If we have to go back, our mom is going to contact your mom to find out more about it.

  19. Yuh, humans are idiots sometimes. Momma has a work friend who was jogging with her dog in the 90 degree heat because she said the dog needed exercise. Huh?

    Momma told her to skip the jog and see what happens and the clever pup spent the day cooling herself under the deck. Duh.


    P.S. A little privacy would be nice.

  20. Hi, Zim!
    Your special place is pawesome!
    Thanks for sharing the article! You are so right... safety first!
    Kises and hugs

  21. Nice!!!


  22. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Stay cool Ao4! The bathroom is a good idea!
    meanwhile its pretty freeeezing here at the moment! We are working hard to stay warm :)

    your pals,
    Digby and Delta

  23. My brother Samick lays right on top of them!
