Hello, everyone! It's me, Cammie! Many of you were very surprised to hear that
coyotes get into our fenced-in back yard. I can assure you that the gates are never left open. They are locked, in fact, unless either Mom or Dad are back there gardening, doing yard work, or playing with us. Trust me, this place is like Fort Knox: six-foot high fence, with a concrete "mow strip" underneath so no one can dig in or out. So then ... how do they get in? Let's take a look back there and I'll give you my theory! These photos are from this morning, as Mom and I did some investigating!
The front gate is right by the north-side retaining walls. If a coyote climbed onto the walls (not hard to do), he could easily leap over the fence; it's maybe a 2.5 - 3 foot jump up then down into the yard or onto the deck.
"Yes ... yes, I think he got in this way!" |
You'll note the deck also has gates. They are always latched - there is a gate to each of the two entrances between the deck and the yard, plus one up at the upper deck. A coyote has definitely gotten onto our decks before. For those wondering how we know, let's just say he left his "calling card". (💩)
"I think he's been on the deck recently, too. Maybe." |
On the other side of the house, by the Friendship Garden, there is also a retaining wall - you can see that in the
photo at this link. A coyote
could get in that way, but it would be a much higher jump.
As to how they get
out ...
"Hey! Mr. Coyote?!? Are you still out here?" |
That would be even more challenging, I think! Deck to railing to retaining wall?
"Ha-loooooo?!?" |
"You don't think he's still in the yard, do you?" |
We just don't know! And that's why Maggie and I are frequently seen on lead in our back yard. Well, yes, because of the whole "no jumping off the retaining walls" thing, too ... but that's more for Mags than me. Mom is pretty sure I wouldn't do that. Even still, she's overly careful.
So ... we know they get in and are pretty sure we know how. We are less sure how they get out, but given that there are very few hiding places, they do get out. (Under the deck is the best hiding place - and also a factor in the "have Maggie on a leash" business.) I guess it's still a bit of a mystery!
All I know is coyotes really
are quite wily - or is that
Wile E - as the TV show suggests. Hmm. Maybe he uses one of those cool Acme gadgets to get in and out of our yard!!!