Who We Are

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ha roo, pups and cool cats! It's me - Zim! As many of you know, part of my duties here at Ao4 HQs involves helping Mom run errands. She has a terrible sense of direction and it's up to me to navigate for her. Having said that, sometimes we veer off the beaten path and find all kinds of cool stuff!

Back in the wintertime, when the weather was really great, we found these guys, for example:

DSCN3494 Zim spots potential friends.
"Oh, cool! Pull over, Mom! I want to go play!"

I mean, seriously! Check these guys out!

DSCN3493 Cows.  Very muddy cows.

Does that look like a great place to get out of the car and play or
what?!?! Oddly enough, Mom refused to let me go make friends. I'll never understand that kind of thinking!

Anyway, the other day I made a rather interesting discovery! Way back in '07 Dave showed you the place where
Moo Cows go to learn how to make butter (follow that link to read Dave's explanation!) and do the other things that cows do. It's the Purebred Beef Teaching Center at K-State, near our vets. Hmm. I had sort of forgotten all about that ... until I was driving around that same vicinity with Mom. Check out what I saw!

IMG_6131 Equine Education Center
The sign reads, "Equine Education Center". And "Be a Part of the Future!"

What?!?! Why would horses need to go to school?!? And what's that "Be a Part of the Future!" thing all about!!?!! Are they planning to take over the world or something?!!? This is interesting, pups and kits. This is verrrrrrrrrrry interesting.

I checked their website and part of it read, "K-State’s equine education center will house classrooms, hands-on laboratories and state of the art workout and performance arenas and stalls...." Wow. Their own gym and everything. What to make of this?!!?

Rest assured I'm going to keep my nose to the ground over this one! I'll keep you posted on any new developments.

Play bows,


  1. As a horse lover, I'm interested! Keep us updated, Zim.

  2. Sounds very interesting.. Keep us updated Zim.. I think your mum was mean to not let you play. Mind they might have played a lttle rough I am thinking.. Hugs GJ xx

  3. Zim, that sure sounds interesting!! I love horses very much! Let us know when you find out anything new!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  4. Now you are on the clock -- EVERYONE wants to know!

  5. oh my, I am now totally freaked out. I never knew horses had hands.................

    I mean an "hands on experience", phew.......kinda freakish.

    Confused Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx

  6. oooops, hands on laboratories..... I mis read it. See I was freaked.

  7. Hmm..I think you're on to something Zim. You need to build a Sibe education center!

  8. Oh that would have been so fun to be able to go play with those big animals!!

    Wooo Wooooo
    Shiloh, Shelby and Their Mom

  9. Zim thank goodness you went with mom. Who knows, we bet she would have gotten out of the car to investigate those hairy creatures! keep us posted
    Benny & Lily

  10. We just love when you find new and fun things Zim. Keep us informed!!
    Dory and Bilbo

  11. Wow! That is very interesting! I can't wait to see what else you find out!


  12. I wish we had a school for animal doctors around here. That seems realy cool.

    Our Vet went to Kansas State so hopefully he paid attention to the A04

    Good navigating skills Zim, must be your Army training.


  13. Hi, Zim!
    I want to know more about it!
    Please, let us know, ok?
    Kisses and hugs

  14. Too bad woo couldn't play with the moo cows, that does look like a wonderful place to play! Hmm, we'll be waiting to hear about more of the khool places woo discover when your mom gets lost!

    a-roos to yous,
    jack a-roo & moo (the siberian, not bovine) too

  15. The Beagle from down the road told me that moo cows learn physics so that they can launch themselves from catapults and flatten people.


  16. Woo! Logan thinks he has already taken over the world! Seriously though Zim.....farm critters are overrated. They smell funny.

  17. That sounds like a very interesting place Zim! You'll have to keep us posted now so we know what those horses are up to.

  18. Oh yes! Please keep me posted. I love horses!

  19. Hmmmmm, that does sound rather interesting! We look forward to finding out more!


  20. You are a furry good rePURRter. Please keep us informed about those cows.

  21. But I thought they already had "horse sense?" But maybe that is where they go to learn to speak softly. You know, a "horse whisperer." I asked some of the horses at the ranch beside us, but they denied it. Yep - they said, "Neigh." We will keep researching.

  22. My J says "sorry" she has only just seen your email!

    Thank you for the reply!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.
