Hi everypuppy and everycat, it's me - Amber! Stormy said I did such a good job with Serene Scenery Sunday last week that I could try it again today! Yea! How about another garden tour? I have a lot to cover, so let's get to it!
First up is the Mohican Viburnum. Do you remember us showing you the beautiful white blooms on them earlier? They don't have flowers any more, but they have these bright red berries that the birdies just LOVE!
Aren't they pretty?
More Mohican Viburnum berries
They go sky-high!
I have to say this - it's the last of the Mohican Viburnum berries.
Oh, come on. You knew I had to say it! ☺
OK... I think Mom might like these as much as the birdies do! Let's move on!
Our friends in the OP Pack asked us how our Mandevilla are doing. Mom seems very pleased with them and would consider planting some again next year. They hang out in the mailbox planter with some geraniums and petunias. Do you remember Zimmie showing them to you a while ago? Compare that to how they look now!
The mailbox planter
Speaking of hanging out, it gives all of us a certain amount of serenity having Bart back home. He's a lean, mean, mosquito-eating machine!
Well, actually we don't think he's mean at all... it's just a figure of speech. He's also rather plump, which means he's doing an outstanding job eating those skeeters! He's not the only one doing his part to rid us of bugs! Check out this little sparrow! (You can click this or any of these pix for a larger view!)
He's chowing down on a bug!
Side note: Do any of your bipeds - especially those of you who have Pennsylvania bipeds - say "schputzie" or "sputzie" instead of sparrow? Just curious.
This gave Mom a little serenity:
Why serenity? They were outside our fence, grazing in the clover in the field behind Ao4 HQs, NOT eating our stuff!
Just inside the fence-line, we have some Crape Myrtle.
Also down there are the Rose of Sharon bushes that were juuuuuuust starting to bloom last week. They're about in full swing now.
White Rose of Sharon
We'll get more photos of them this week, unless this morning's storm took them out. Here's the other color Rose of Sharon - it's still blooming!
They are all shades of pink and purple. I think. I'm not sure. Dave's sleeping or I'd check with him.
Anyway - enough of the posies, let's look to the sky! Here's a great look at the Kansas sky, through one of our Fountain Grasses:
"Oh beautiful... for spacious skies..."
That's very Kansas-y isn't it? Here's another one:
How about those amber waves of grain? Want to see even more? Here you go:

Or maybe it's just me, Amber. Hee hee hee.
OK, sorry. Back to serene things... How about a beautiful sunset to top things off? This is from the night of the 8th:
Sunset over the Flint Hills
...and just a few minutes later, the entire sky looked like this:
Isn't it gorgeous?!!? Dave says he could get lost in all the colors in there!
Have a Serene Sunday, everyone!
Oh so many beautiful "amber" colors!!! I bet those flowers are even more beewootiful in person!! Good job, again!!!
English to German translation--sparrow-Spatz ----anglanize it spatzie. :-)
ReplyDeletePosies look very nice.
Hi, Amber!
ReplyDeletePawesome job with your Serene Scenery Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Amber, you did a wonderful job again today! You're so funny too with the last of the Mohicans! The photos are all pretty - well, except for Bart. He gives Mommy the eebie jeebies. And we've always called those birds sparrows - isn't sputzie some sort of food? Come to think of it, birdies could also be food!
ReplyDeleteWoozers! These Serene Sundays just get better & better! (or is that "sereneer and sereneer?) Pawsome pictures!!!
ReplyDeletewoos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
w00fs, bute ti ful flowers and georgous sunsets...and the best part, the doggies...
ReplyDeleteb safe,
Great pictures again - the quality of your pictures is just wonderful!Beautiful rich colours. Loved the flowers, loved the sunsets - most of all loved you know what!
ReplyDeleteYay you guys are the greatest.
love and kisses
The Basset Babes xxx
What beautiful flowers you have. No flowers in Texas it is just to hot right now. We do have some of those Crappy Mertles.. They don't seem to mind the heat..
ReplyDeleteLove the beautiful ambers..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, Amber, that was beautiful! I think you might have did a better job than Stormy last week. Shhhh...don't tell him I said that. Are the Rose of Sharon flowers the ones you can make dolls out of? They look like them but I am not sure. Someone at your house does a beautiful job with the camera.
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs,
oh my, lovely pics, so clear and such goog quality.
ReplyDeleteWe have had some wonderful sunsets here too, the other night, my J and I went for a walk and it was nearly 10 pm, but it was still light, we hardly get any darkness now in Scotland (something to do with being so far north - I have no idea) but the walk was magical.
Lots of bats, flying about, and the mountains in the distance all purple and dark against the flame red sky.
oh I think I should write a poem.....
thank you for some beautiful flower pics too.
Harrods still being the place to purchase your garden we think!
lotsaluv Marvin oh and Jeannie xxxxxx
yeah, typed too fast, Good Quality, not goog quality.......sorry!
ReplyDeleteWe love the furry kind of Amber:) Mom's mandevilla is the same color as yours but we don't have very many flowers. And our crepe myrtle is purple and our rose of sharon is lavender. Mom has never seen a white one before.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful and serene photos - thanks for sharing.
woo, the OP Pack
Wow! That last sunset photo is amazing! Very good scenery Sunday Ammy!
ReplyDeleteHuffle Mawson
I think woo did sooo furry well, Storms will pawmit woo to do it again!
ReplyDeleteAs fur sparrows here in this part of Pawsylvania, they are sparrows...aka khat treats...
Tank woo fur sharing all the beaWOOTy!
PeeEssWoo: I wonder how many times Brice The Good BT will visit THIS post?!?
Beautiful!! Just be careful about Bart. Never touch a bat on the ground!!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwwwwww sweet Amber!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a serene post....
we feel sooooooooooo relaxed after seeing that!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us....
We love your Sunday post!!!!
Mommy is crazy for your flowers in the garden....she would love to be sooooooooooo good as your mommy to cultivate wonderful plants like yours!!!
Can your mommy teach to our some secrets????
and you Amber are soooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!
We love your photo!!!!
can't wait to see your next sunday post!!!!!
we love youuu!!!!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!!!
Last of the Mohicans . . . Amber waves of grain . . . you crack us up so much.
ReplyDeleteWe do love the sunset picture.
Woo do have sum furry nice flowers bloomin'. Kin I help your maw garden? I jest love to dig and play wid flowers.
ReplyDeleteWe call a sparrow a sparrow even tho we does live in PA.
And we specially love the "Amber" waves of grain. Woo hooo hoooo!
Husky kisses,
Beawootiful pictures, although your grain looks just like our sea oats at the beach, was it maybe at the Kansas Ocean?
ReplyDelete-Kira The BeaWootiful
OOOO I think those are such Beautiful pictures!!! I think my favorite is the AMBER one! BOL
Khady has seen Esther and a couple of her kids around lately too. Luckily for them, they are always on the outside of the fence too!
ReplyDeleteYour serene photo's are sooo beautiful!! We always look forward to what you have to show us!
Holly and Khady Lynn
What???... there were other pictures besides the lovely one of my Amber???
ReplyDeleteBricey Boy
Woo hoo! Sooo colorful and utsukushii(beautiful in Japanese)shots!! My favourite is the Amber shot of course...!!
ReplyDeleteCheers & chuckles,
You took those pictures? That's amazing and beautiful! Wow!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Beautiful!!!
What gorgeous pictures of all of the pretty flowers and the sky! We were feeling very serene until we saw Bart! We're guessing the little battie that we sent to your house never made it! Poor Bart is still all alone! Maybe he likes it that way!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
ah, beautiful Amber! Don't tell the others, but I think you be my favouritist host for serene scenery sunday.
ReplyDelete~lickies, Ludo
pee ess. Mum thinks your Mom's new camera be just fabulous, what breed of camera does it be?
This may just be the most beautiful post of the week. Bravo!
ReplyDeletewhata gorgeous pics - we love all the fowers but bart and oswald are out favorite - and amber waves was really nice too
ReplyDeleteWoodrow sweetie mj
Can you eat those berries?? they look tasty. We have a Hibiscus flower bush here too!
ReplyDeleteYour mom is getting really fancy with her new camera! The picture with the sky and the fountain grass is excellent!
ReplyDeleteWe don't have any berries on our David Viburnum. Maybe our dad needs to go have a talk with them. He has a special connection, you know.
WOW! That is a close and good photo of Bart!!! AND Mr and Mrs Oswald? WOW!