Who We Are

Thursday, July 19, 2018

It Happened Again

Hello, everyone!  It's me, Cammie.  It happened again.

"It did!"

Maggie warned me it might. You see, she had to perform a Squeak-ectomy on Sneaky Snake back in January, after he squeaked at me.  I don't LIKE my toys to squeak at me, so I turned him over to her.  She was happy to perform the surgery, but she only removed one of three super-squeakers.    We both thought that would suffice!  And sure enough, when I've played with Sneaky since, he has been nice and quiet.

But the other day ... he did it again!  He SQUEAKED!  Almost right away!  And it was LOUD!  I immediately presented him to Dr. Mags.

"No problem, Cam.  I'll take care of this.  Trust me - I'm a doctor!"

That's right - I put him in the paws of a trained professional.  And me?  Maggie gave me The Toy Formerly Known As 3-Rings.

"You won't squeak at me, will you, 2-Rings?"

Maggie really concentrated on her mission:

"Must ... focus.  Must ... do this right!"
"____ ____"

The good news is that Sneaky Snake didn't really need a second Squeak-ectomy.  Yet.  Just a little de-stuffing and ripping here and there.  Maggie and I celebrated with some Siberian ballet:

Mags and me celebrating

Sneaky and The Toy Formerly Known As 3-Rings are back behind a closed door, until next time.  I'll keep you posted about whether he squeaks at me again or not!



  1. Cammie squeaky cheeky toys are a nuisance...I have a few like that and one of the most aggravating is a motion sensitive
    birdie. It gets on my last nerve. It is in my toy basket at the bottom I think and I keep hoping the battery will die
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. Squeaking at people is so rude. Sneaky deserved what it got.

  3. What a great team you and Maggie make!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  4. Those squeakers can be so annoying. We do our best to perform that same surgery, but sometimes the Momster thinks she can do it better - our toys disappear and we worry about how long their surgery is taking.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. I am happy you have an expert de-squeaker. That will save you a lot of time and money.

  6. Thank Cod you have a purrfessional de-squeaker in da house!

  7. Abby's favorite toy is one Frankie Furter gave her that's a stuffed rabbit full of crushed newspaper. We call him "Crunchy Rabbit" as she can just sit and gently make him make noise for an hour, but he's sturdy enough he doesn't get a hole in him. It's also a lot easier on my ears than all her squeaky toys.

  8. ...You mean...you can pull squeakers OUT of toys?! OMD!! I'm going to have to practice this!

  9. We love squeakers here so much that my mom wants Maggie to come over and do some surgery on some of the toys that are a little too loud and squeaky!

    Kiki and Nala
