Who We Are

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Our Visitor, Part 2

Greetings to all, it's me, Maggie!  As you saw yesterday, my most wonderful mentor, that coolest of all cool man-cats, Teddy Westlife is paying us a visit!  We are all so excited and honored to have him here!

Here are Cam, Mom, and me welcoming him to our home!

Toons photoshopped and used with permission
of Meeshka's human woman

Mom is the tall one.

Anyway, Mr. Westlife was a bit jet-lagged after his trip from Australia, so he caught a nice catnap.  I was relaxing in the living room when ...

"Whoa!  Hey, Mr. Westlife!  How did you get over there?!?"

I mean, one second he was upstairs in the guest room and the next minute ...

"How'd you get up there?!?  Oh, watch that vase; it was a wedding present."
"No worries, Mags!  I fit behind it just fine!"

Isn't that cool?!!? He walked right across the mantle just as easily as I walk down the sidewalk!

"Really, Mr. Westlife?!?  You think I should?  Cool!"

You only live once, right?

"OK, so you just ..."
Mom, somewhere off-camera:  "Oh... my...  MAGGIENONONO!!!"

She was probably afraid I'd fall or something. Whatever. We moved on to something a bit tamer after that.

"Hi, Mom.  We're just boxing."
"Right.  We're just boxing.  Do you have any tunas?"
"Are they getting treats?"

This is SO MUCH FUN!!! I can't wait to see what all my mentor will teach me next!

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Editor's note:  Toons used with permission.  Photos of Teddy Westlife also used with permission.


  1. We LOVE Teddy Westlife! See if he'll show you haw to get in the dishwasher, Mags!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto

  2. Hey G'Day Teddy.... NO WORRIES...... we can talk Aussie... a little bit...

  3. We don't know Teddy but it sounds like we should!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Does he have an accent?
    Lily & Edward

  5. Watch out for that kittycat! We imagine he is MUCH smarter than our kitties! Have fun with him!

    Kiki and Nala

  6. i knew you'd have fun visiting with a cat! (and he doesn't seem half as bossy as mine) slurps! Citrine

  7. oh, fun times! Maggie, we don't think it's fair that you didn't get a chance to practice the mantle-balance beam...hopefully you'll get a chance before Teddy leaves so he can give you some technical tips :)

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  8. WE missed something...we gotta go back and read.
    stella rose

  9. having such visitors is always fun

  10. Oh I wants a Teddy Westlife of my own, he looks like great funs and a young Pup like me could learn a lot from a Teddy !
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. We don't have a big fireplace like that at home, so it was good practice for me to get up there!

  12. OMD....That Teddy is teaching you all kinds of wonderful things Maggie!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
