Who We Are

Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Greetings to all!  It's me, Maggie.  This morning, Mom was feeling a bit achey (something about too much walking, weeding, moving boulders around -- I don't know) and suggested we just go on a "short" walk today.

"Oh.  A 'short' one.  Really?  Is that REALLLLLLY what's best?"

We got harnessed up and headed out.  Where we'd turn for a shorter walk, Cam and I took control of the situation.

"This way, Mom!"
"Yep.  Let's go, Mom!"
"I said 'shorter'..."

Before we knew it, we were at CiCo Park!

"Is this awesome, or what?"
"I love it when a plan comes together!"
"How did we wind up here?"

It was great!  We even took two legs of Hudson Trail on the way home.  She didn't see that coming either.  Ha roo roo roo!  "A short one".  What was she thinking!?!

Mom says we're great motivators and that she feels better now that she's got a few miles under her belt!  Do you help motivate your bipeds?!?

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher


  1. It sounds like you were trying to loosen are sore muscles
    Lily & Edward

  2. Love that first shot of Maggie - priceless expression on her face!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  3. your mom needs to put an easy chair on wheels and then she could relax while you two pull her all over town :D
    those crazy boycats keep our mom motivated in keeping the counters clear of any food stuffs. hee hee!

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie

  4. Good thing your mom has you two to keep her moving.

  5. I find the threat of pain (a scratch) is a great motivator for my dad. ~ Teddy Westlife

  6. Sometimes, you just have to take the long way!! Great motivating, gals!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  7. You girls got her loosened up and made those sore muscles feel a whole lot better. Great job!

  8. You two are sort of SNEAKY that way... you really pulled the ol' Wool over her eyes. BaaaWaaaah a SHORT walk BaaaaaWaaah you showed her.

  9. You two could be pawfessional motivators! Grreat job!

  10. Our mom wishes she could go on a walk with you two, because right now it is so hot all we want to do is go around the block and go home.

    Kiki and Nala
