Who We Are

Friday, September 28, 2007

I Got the Last Woo In!

Woo. It's me - Dave. Stormy mentioned yesterday that I was pouting because of Saturday's fiasco -- Mom going to a quilt class without ME, her Guide Dog for the Color Blind. Notice she said that I "was" pouting. Not any more.

Here's what Mom was learning how to make:

Mom's one block

It's called a Stack-N-Whack block. Apparently, it's quite the long process; it took her all day to get that one block made! It's easier from here on out, though, now that she has that center "focal" fabric cut. Here's another one she made:

Mom's second block

It didn't take all day to make that one. There seems to be a lot of initial pinning involved. I never get to help with the pinning. Go figure.

Mom, never being one to actually take the "normal" path, wants to do some blocks on the blue background that I picked out for her, some on another background, and some with a split background. I was all for that and wanted to help pick something from our stash. She wanted brown and said she wasn't 100% convinced any of the browns we'd tried were "right". I kept going over and nosing around in the batiks. She said all the browns were in the closet, and that she'd tried them and reminded me that I didn't woo over them either. I went back over to the special area where we keep the batiks.

I heard her say, "Davy darlin', we don't have any brow.... hey, whatcha got there?!!?" Woo. Check out the look on my face:

I couldn't believe she doubted me! I knew the right brown was in there!

Who's the best Guide Dog for the Color Blind in the whole world?

Mom said I am.

Ah, shucks, Mom. Just doing my job.

Mom said she'll never doubt me again. I get to make ALL color decisions from here on out. Woo. Just for that, I'll let her show you the quilt once it's done.



  1. Dave Dave,

    Tell your Mom that that is going to be ONE be-woootiful quilt! I can't wait to see the finished product. My Mom loves all those colors you chose and the
    Stack-N-Whack block is totaaly cool. How much longer???

    Good job Dave Dave,
    Frankie Girl

  2. Thise are some pretty cool quilt blocks. How many quilts does your mom make every month? It seems like a lot. What does she do with all of them? I think she should make four big stacks of folded quilts for you to sleep on.


  3. Oh those colors are bootiful! That quilt is going to be amazing!!! I also really like the way the block looks!!! I can't wait to see the finished quilt - woot!

    Lots of Licks, Ruby

  4. Good job finding that, Picklenose! (Human Assistant was looking at my freckles today - yours are better!)

  5. Oh Dave, So now she finally understands that you have participate in these decisions.
    Great color choices and your mom
    is very talented. We can't wait to see the finished quit.
    Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

  6. Lovely colour choices Dave. You are the best ever Guide Dog for the Colour Blind, your taste is totally and utterly and sooooooooooo immaculate.

    love and amazed licks, your poetry pal, Marvinxxxxx

  7. sorry I have been late with my comments, busy times here in bonnie Scotland.....oh and you will like this bit of news

    we had our first "frost" yesterday, and Jeannie wore her gloves on my walkies for the first time cos it was sooooooooo cold .....wooooooo!

  8. Those blocks remind me of fruit! So bright and colorful!

    I think you did a great job picking out that brown! It looks very good with those other colors!


  9. Good job again Dave....we will have to get together sometime to have a quilting husky workshop. Dad has a stak-n-whack quilt made from golf fabrics that grandma made for him when he graduated from college.

    WOo woo, Kelsey Ann

  10. Hawoo - how could she ever doubt you! You have never steered her wrong. silly mommy - she learned her lesson!

  11. woofies A04!!! u da one Dave....


  12. Hi Dave,
    Very nice choice of fabric! Our mum loves the bright oranges and yellows contrasted on that blue. Wow its going to be a fantastic quilt. How long do you think it will take your mum?
    Keep up the good work.
    Jazz and Dixie

  13. HollyBollyBananaBoo will look quite LOVELY lounging on such a dandy quilt -

    Maybe you khan khonvince your hu-mom to make it a HBBB quilt!

    Woo Handsome!


  14. How could she doubt you, her GDFTCB? Really. Humans are strange. I posted all kinds of pretty quilt pictures for you on my blog, if you want to go see them, by the way. Granny says that the block is really cool and the colours are perfect! How could they not be, with you picking them out?

  15. What a clever dog you are. I'm sure I wouldnt know where to start.


    (PS Can you remind amber she offered to be one of my girlfriends - I hope she hasn't forgotten)

  16. What beautiful quilt blocks! I just love the colors! This will be one fabulous quilt when it's all done!

    Love ya lots,

  17. Frankie Girl! Thank woo - you are very kind! It's going to take Mom quite a while, but I'll make sure she stays at it!

    Kat: Mom always has projects in various stages going on. I couldn't even guess what all she finishes! She keeps some things, gives some away to friends and family, and donates others to Sibe rescue groups to use as fund-raisers!

    Ruby: Thank woo!

    Tucker: Thank woo, fellow pickle nose!

    MayaMarie: Thank woo. I sure HOPE she finally gets it!

    Marvin: Thank woo! FROST?!?! You have FROST!?!? That is soooo exciting! Send that coldness this way!!!
    We're way behind on blogs, too. Mom needs to get with the program!

    Hollybollyboo! Fruit! I hadn't thought of that! Now that you mention it, it does look like fruit! I wonder if any blocks will look like watermelon?

    Kelsey Ann: A husky quilting workshop! What a GREAT idea!
    I would love to see pix of your dad's S&W! So would Mom! Doing one from golf fab sounds really cool!

    Guinness & Shiloh: Mom can be really stubborn sometimes. As stubborn as a Siberian! Ha wooooooo!

    Lacy: Thank woo!

    Jazz & Dixie: Thank woo, girls! Mom still isn't quite sure what she's making ... table runner? Quilt? How big? So she's not sure when she'll be done. Yes, most quilters DO start with a plan. Sigh. Do you see what I'm dealing with here?

    Khyra: I'm not sure, but I think this is going to be something for bipeds. Not sure. Not sure at all.

    Louka: Thank woo to both you and your granny! I just LOVE the quilts of hers that you posted! WOW, is she talented! Woo!

    Pippa: Thank woo. We all have talents in different areas! ME? I am a GDFTCB, but I'd love to know how to open the door to the magic cold box like our GSD friend Rocky! Can you imagine!?!?
    Am said she hasn't forgotten! Then she blushed. Woo.

    Maggie: Thank woo. Mom is trying to get bolder with her colors. I'm helping!


  18. Those are beautiful squares! Your mom is so talented (thanks, in part, to you of course)!

  19. Hi Davie!
    Chili here, glad you straightened your mom out about the need to keep husky color & design consultants gainfully employed. Way to go!
    Mom & I agree, that's going to be a beawoootiful quilt!

  20. You are awesome, thanks for the offer of support about my leashes. Mom's boss at work is making her a quilt for getting engaged, it has lots of beautiful colors I bet you would approve!
