Who We Are

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flower Show

Ha roo, pups! It's me - the Z-man! Mom finally put a few plants in the mailbox planter out front and Storm said I should let you have a look.

Hey, I can barely reach these!

There are a few Marguerite Sweet Potato Vines (those will fill in and get really huge like last year!), a dark purple spikey thing, and some other dark purple things with red flames on top of them! Mom said they're called Celosia Smart Look Red! I like that "Smart Look Red" part! Ha roo!

Here's a better look at the spikey thing. I forget what it's called.

I was looking over at the Peonies. They got pounded pretty badly by the hail and rain and wind, but they're still OK. Here I am, checking them out:

Here's a close up of one of the flowers.

Stormy thought they looked pretty, too, and came over to give them a sniff.

These are nice, Zim! Check them out!

I was one step ahead of her for once.

Oh, yeah, Storm. DEEE-licious!

Mom made me leave them alone after just ONE little nibble. Honestly, I'm JUST trying to enjoy the garden!

After Storm and I toured the front garden a bit, we had a little tête-a-tête about kitty-cats. We'll share that with you tomorrow; we hope our feline friends will tune in!

Play bows,


  1. Did those spiky things hurt your nose? They look dangerous!


  2. Bewootiful! We have some peonies in our yard too, but ours are almost done blooming...

    Woo woo, KA

  3. That first picture was really cute! It reminded me of the poses that Meeshka's mom draws.

    You have plants called pee-on-me? Wow!

  4. We have peonies blooming the exact same color as yours! They're so pretty!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Zim, you are as lovely as those flowers. We think you and your mom have a green thumb (or paw, as the case may be).

  6. Such a beautiful garden!! You look very cute sniffing everything!
    Do they tickle your snooter?


  7. Wow - you are such lucky dogs - My mom keeps her pretty flowers behind the big fence so we can't get close at all. I bet them were fun to smell. I can almost smell the roses behind the fence.

  8. You are such a good gardener Zimmie. I'm very intrigued about Stormy's post for tomorrow now!

    And I'm feeling much better thanks.

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  9. Oh-Woo, yur flowers are so pretty, Zim!

    -Cosmos & Juneau-

  10. Thanks for the garden tour!

    SOOOOO looking furward to hearing about your khatversation with Stormy!!

    AND I khan't wait to hear Ammy's translation fur me!!!


  11. Hi, Zim!
    Beautiful flowers!
    I don't have a yard so... no flowers for me!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. If those flowers in the top picture are the mail ones, where are the fe-mail plants? Ha roo roo rooo!

  13. Hello Zim and Storms.
    Your plantings are awfully pretty. Thanks for sharing. You better sneak another taste or two and report back. Some of those flowers looked awfully yummy. I bet Oswald could tell us.

    Loving Life,


  14. I love that first photo of you Zim. That's very cute and sweet of you to smell the flowers

    ~ Girl girl

  15. Hi Zim
    As usual your garden is looking great! Wow we are surprised that the peonies survived those huge hail stones you had a little while back! They are beautiful as are the admirers in the garden.

  16. we heard about more bad twisters in Kansas, we hope you are ok!

  17. Mom says your flowers always look so bewootiful. She struggles with hers but I helped her this morning. She didn't seem as if she appreciated it very much.
