Thursday, July 31, 2008
Kelsey Ann
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Holding The Walls Up
That's right. I'm not just holding a wall up, I'm holding up two! Check this out:
Must... stay... awake! Must... keep... house... safe!
That's right - Dave's not the only hard-working guy around here!
Play bows,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Greetings from the Studio
She got an order in for her Super Shopper tote and put these cool batiks together:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday Salute - The Sibe Blogathoners!
These guys posted every half hour for 24 hours - that's a lot of work, creativity, and dedication! Not to mention a lot of sacrificing SLEEP! You all rocked it!
The Kapp Pack worked for the MaPaw Siberian Husky Rescue and Referral Services, Inc. Steve, Kat and Wilbur raised money for Save Our Siberian - Siberspace Rescue Fund. Both are 501(c)3 organizations (non-profit organizations as recognized by the IRS) and do outstanding things for needy Siberians. Two great non-profits; two great blogging teams!
Our congratulations and thanks to Kat, Steve, Kelsey Ann, Sky, Canyon, Biloxi AND their bipeds for a wonderfully successful Blogathon! Begrudging kudos to Wilbur, too; sorry, but Zim is a little miffed you went to see Huffle and didn't take him with you. Blogathoners, we salute you!
The Army of Four
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Isn't That Cool?
"Hey, Storms!" I said. "Look down there; isn't that cool?"
I meant down at the end of the street.
"Seriously cool clouds. Amber needs to see these."
Doesn't this look awesome?
Ammy was pretty impressed. Stormy was more impressed with the bug.
Please don't forget that today is the Blogathon! Head over to see Steve, Kat and Wilbur - and the Kapp Pack! They're working mighty hard to raise money for some wonderful causes! AND it's not too late for you to donate! Good luck, blogathoners!
Play bows,
Friday, July 25, 2008
Blogathon and Awards!
Our very good friends in the Kapp Pack and Steve, Kat and Wilbur will be blogging every half hour for 24 hours to raise money for some really great causes. Please stop by and help them out!
While the girls distracted Mom, I grabbed her plastic card and made some pledges and Dave snuck into the Quilt Studio and got a couple cool prizes they could each give out! He helped Mom make this cool tote for Steve, Kat and Wilbur - it's out of the fabric Tasha sent us! Ha roo! And for the Kapp Pack, a really handy Hold the Phone! Bag. It's one of Mom's best-sellers, and could be used for a phone or your "good neighbor bags" or treats or something! Anyroo... please stop by and support our pals!
We are really honored to have been presented with two new awards! The first one is from our bee-roo-tiful, fluffy-tailed friend Khyra!

Our dear friend Rocky has given us this award!

Storm said I could choose who we are going to present the awards to! Here I am, thinking everything over:
Hmm...who to choose? Who to ... Oh! I know!
Yeah! I had a great idea! Or is that a "brilliante" idea, in keeping with that second award? (Ha roo roo roo!) On behalf of the Ao4 (or so), I would like to present both of these awards to our Sibe blogathoners: Steve, Kat and Wilbur and the Kapp Pack, Kelsey Ann, Sky, Canyon and little Biloxi! Good luck tomorrow, pups and Wilbur!
Play bows,
Thursday, July 24, 2008
No Win Situation
Mom seemed to know I was a bit down, so she said, "Let's go play in the yard for a little bit, Davy!" It's JUST what I wanted to hear!
The yard was a little wet, so Mom said we needed something water-proof. I chose the very cool fishy that my pals Eva and Brice gave us when they were here! It SQUEAKS! I LOVE squeakies! Eva and Brice picked out such cool toys! (Ammy may think that Loopie toy is hers, but it's MINE, too!)
Here I am, all set to PLAY!
Throw Squeaky Fish, Mom! Throw Squeaky Fish!
It was great fun! Ammy had already done a thorough security check in the yard, so Mom knew Oswald and his family were elsewhere. That meant I didn't have to drag a long leash behind me. Here's a video of me in action; make sure you have your speakers on so you can hear Squeaky Fish talking!
Isn't he cool? And yes, I went over to check one of the bushes. Ammy said she saw a tiny lizard run in there, so I wanted to look for it. Besides, Stormy's REALLY been teasing me a LOT lately about being a Lab in a Sibe suit, so I decided not to bring Squeaky Fish right back that one time - just to be Siberian. That is, until Mom said, "Davy, what are you doing?" Then I brought him right back, so she'd throw him and throw him and throw him for me!
I just love playing with Squeaky Fish!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yesterday morning, it wasn't 100 degrees out, so Mom showed me my new green Wubba and asked if I'd like to go out and play!
Of course, I said, "Yes!" I love to play in the backyard with Mom! Here I am after I chased it down!
You might be wondering why I'm on a long leash. Hrmph! Mom wasn't holding it or anything, but she needed a "safety" on me. You see, it would appear that Oswald and his wife Hare-iette have turned our Red Prince Weigela into a bunny nursery. Mom doesn't want me to ... um ... well, you know.
I got to play anyway. I ran and ran and ran and chased after the Wubba! I usually bring it back part way or grab it and wait there with it so Mom will come get it and throw it for me. Don't I have her well-trained? :)
Here it is, Mom!
Umm... there are a few ... um ... teeth marks on it. What can I say? So.... moving right along, Mom tried to get some action shots, but I'm tooooooo fast! In this next shot, Wubba is still in mid-air, but I've already caught up with it! Ha roooooo!
I did a lot more running and running and running after that, then Mom said it was time to go inside. I was tired, but beat her up the stairs anyway!
This new toy is SO fun! Thank roo again, Kat and Steve!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's Christmas in July!
Yesterday was such a great day! True, our temps topped 100, but we celebrated Christmas! Ha rooo! Our sweet friends Kat and Steve (how come Steve always gets top billing?) sent us some Christmas in July presents!
Zim helped Mom open the box!
There were REALLY cute pictures of Kat and Steve in the box - obviously, they helped their mom pick everything out! There was a bag of SOS-SRF Husky Java coffee beans for Mom and Dad (and Zim!). Mom's having some now and says, "Yum!" They picked out a blue Wubba for Zim (just like his girlfriend Sitka has!)... Air Kong football for Dave (it SQUEAKS!)...
a Kong Wubba for Ammy in her signature green...
...AND a cool Jumping Jack Kong toy for ME! It's RED like my collar! Here I am with it!
Every time Mom turned the camera on, I stopped playing with it. Ha roo roo roo. I made her take about 100 pictures before she even got that shot of me sitting by it. That was pretty exhausting, so when my Zim asked me if he could try chewing on the toy, I said he could.
He really likes it a LOT! That made me so happy. He doesn't really play with too many toys!
Dave, on the other paw, LOVES toys. Ammy turned her back on her Wubba for a second and he snagged it.
See the rip marks in the top of the toy? Jaws of Steel strikes again! Mom thinks this is going to be the perfect outside one-on-one toy for her and Ammy. But not a laying around ripping it to shreds toy. She did that in a matter of minutes. She and Brice really DO have a lot in common!
Kat! Steve! Many thanks to you and your mom and dad for the wonderful gifts! The best gift of all, of course, is your friendship!
Tail wags,
Monday, July 21, 2008
Old Red Barn Co.

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday Salute - Nikki of Northern Cyprus!
For starters, there's the heat! If you pups and kit-cats think it's hot where you live, look up the temps in Northern Cyprus and see what Nikki has to deal with! Fortunately, her mom and dad have a fan set up just for her, to help keep her cool.
She wears a "cool tie" around her neck to help her cool down. It also makes her look MIGHTY fashionable! Ha roo roo roo!
When we last p-updated you on Nikki, we told you about cows trying to invade her home. Now it's gotten worse. Here's what she had to say! "I was looking over Mom's shoulder and saw a post to your blog about how woo have to do 'cat duty' and thought I would send woo a picture of one of the cats that 'lurk' around our house."
Yikes! Huffle warned us about the orange ones! As Nikki said, "Now is that a face with attitude? I have to keep an eye on this particular kitty as she (yes, it is a she!) comes and sticks her paw into MY Kong and pinches MY treats!! Even wolfie teeth don't chase her away. She can run very fast! She comes into the house at night and Mom finds paw prints all over the counter tops in the kitchen!"
In the house?!!? Trying to steal your treats?!!? What an outrage. Come to think of it, we did catch an orange kitty trying to break into our place! Maybe it was the same one! As Nikki told us, "A Sibie's work is never done!" Amen, sister!
Hmm. That one's mighty cute. Truth be told, the orange one was pretty cool-looking, too... even if she does have cat-attude.
That's right ... Nikki's mom is putting food out for them! Nikki tries to guard the milk dish from the cats. She told us, "Mom has to come and fetch me and tell me to 'leave the poor kitties alone'!" Our mom would probably do the same think, Niks. With our blessings. (At least those of Storm and Zim.) Poor little kit-cats are hungry and have no home of their own!
Anyroo... when it gets WAY too hot at the house...
Woo is me!
...Nikki and her bipeds get into the car and head for a cooler spot! She showed us these great pictures from a recent trip into the mountains!
Karsiyaka, NC
How beautiful! Doesn't that even LOOK a lot cooler!?! We bet it was Nikki's idea!
Here are Nikki and her dad, taking a rest together:What a beautiful, shady spot! Looks like they had a little picnic or something! Eventually, it was time to head home. Here's what the road was like:
WOWZERS! We wonder if Nikki got to drive!?!?
Nikki said her mom held her breath the whole way down! Ha rooooo!
What great adventures you have, Nikki! And what hard work you have, guarding the house (and your treats!) from intruders! Try to stay cool, friend! For all you do, we salute you!
The Army of Four (It's good to have the blog back in our own paws now!)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Snooter Hanging, Day Four
That's right, when all else fails, turn to the "old" standby.
Maya Marie's mom sure does bake some yummy cookies!
Once you've rewarded your model and have lavished him with praise, pick up the object which he's surely shaken off by now and tossed onto the grass, and go download the photos to see if you were able to get any good shots.
Hey Mom?! Wanna get another picture before we head in?
Umm... with MOST dogs, especially Siberians, the object will be on the ground. Some pups are just ... different. :)
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. Many thanks to Stormy for setting me up - I mean for turning the blog over to me for a few days. Let us know if you're able to teach snooter hanging to any of your friends!
Thanks for reading!
The Ao4's mom
Friday, July 18, 2008
Snooter Hanging, Day Three
OK, now back to my snooter hanging tutorial! To sum things up so far, you'll need a digital camera, bribes, and a gorgeous model who is neither teaching her own on-line (not) "cooperating" for photos classes nor is an excellent student in those classes. In fact, let's get someone who just loves the camera! Let's get ... Zimmie! He is a very handsome lad, loves the camera, and ...
I reminded him he'd posed with a Hold the Phone! Bag on his snooter before. Twice even. He assured me that was different. That bag was for his Sitka.
"Wait, Mom," he seemed to tell me. "That's not for my gorgeous girlfriend Sitka, is it?" I had to admit, it wasn't. Not exactly, anyway.
"Aw, c'mon, Zim! Please? Look - I have a Happy Heart cookie for you..." (carefully place object on snooter) "... and ..."
"Zim! Hold still, Zim! Zimmie!!! Zimmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmie!"
Hey, Mom! Don't I look better without that HTP! Bag on my snooter?
I'm ready for my close-up!
OK... maybe it's possible to love the camera too much. So now we're up to changing Step One of snooter hanging to include camera, bribes, and ... a gorgeous/handsome model who isn't teaching her own on-line classes about NOT cooperating for photos, who isn't a top-notch student in those classes, and who can combine a love for the camera with the ability to let the photographer pose him. (If I believed in reincarnation, I'd swear he had been a model in another life-time.)
Please tune in again tomorrow for another attempt at my snooter hanging tutorial. Thanks for reading, and Happy Zimaversary!!!!!
Mom-o-the-Ao4 (Please stop laughing, pups. Please?!?)