Who We Are

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Catch-Up Thursday!

Ha roo, pups and cool cats!  It's me, Zim!  Things got kind of busy around here today, so instead of posting what Dave and I were going to post today, I thought I'd do a little catching up by answering a few of the questions some of our readers have asked!

Actually, most of the questions have been about our collars! Many of you have noticed that we're no longer wearing the cool camo collars and leashes that our mom made us. What happened?!? Are the collars you're wearing now new?!

We love the cool camo collars and leashes that Mom made. Unfortunately, the collars were starting to fray, so Mom doesn't think they're Sibe-safe.  Until she makes us new ones, the camo is out.  In the meantime, we're wearing really cool Lupine collars.  We got these a number of years ago and they're in great shape, so we're happy to wear them.  We usually use our regular, heavy-duty leashes but sometimes use the ones that match our Lupine collars.  You could see Dave's real well in his recent post about going to the Kansas Ocean.

Others of you have noticed that Dave had a cool bandana on the other day (see this pic) and that I'm sporting a really cool Buff around my neck.

DSCN0553 Zim
Me in my really cool Buff

I started wearing mine for one reason or another, then when Mom wanted to take it off of me to wash it I didn't want her to! I mean ... I LIKE it! And she had to agree that I look cool in it. I wore another Buff while my red one was in the wash - now it's back on. And it's mine. Mom just ordered a purple-ish one for Dave; it came today and he looks really cool, too. I'll get Mom to take a pic of him later!  Stormy would rather not wear one, so Mom's OK with that.

That's all the questions I can remember for now.  Dave and I will post pix of yesterday's really cool adventure tomorrow.  We got to go somewhere we haven't been in a long time! And oh, yeah...

DSCN0554 Zim

... we had a really great time!

Play bows,


  1. You are very handsome in your red buff, Zim! Can't wait to see the pictures of the others.

    Drools and licks,
    Minnie and Mack

  2. Um... what is a buff?

    The gimpy gang and I prefer to run around nude, but whatever that "buff" thing is, its pretty stylish


  3. You look very buff Zimmie!


  4. Great smile Zim!!!

  5. You look really smart Zim!

  6. We think you look very handsome in your buff Zim!

  7. Zim is Da Man !!!

    Remy and Flash

  8. I think you look exceptionally handsome!


  9. Good answers! We did notice you new collars and wondered about them - Mom will have to look them up!


  10. Hi Zimmie!

    You got really interesting answers. You do look incredible handsome in your red buff! Piappies Mom got one she uses for her runs. She calls them "Head Wear".
    We sure hope we get those too. It's so cool!

    The collars are pawesome, too.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  11. Pawesome collar, Zim!
    Kisses and hugs

  12. Nice Zim, we love those buffs
    Benny & Lily

  13. Nice Zim, we love those buffs
    Benny & Lily

  14. Woo is furry handsome in da red! I likes it a lot! I bet Dave will look good too!

    Mya Boo Boo

  15. Oh yeah, furry buff, furry handsome!

    ~Miss Moo

    PS - I wear a pretty Lupine collar too, its orchid & purple with a spiral patterns, and mom got me pretty orchid floral leash. Mom saves it fur "special occasions" & everything!

  16. I wear a Lupine collar as well (well when we are out, not allowed to wear a collar in the house anymore because brother Bokeh will not leave it alone) hehe.
