Golf makes me sick!
Hi everypuppy, it's Ammy. I thought I'd give golf a try because my daddy likes to play golf and Zimmie liked posing for the picture up there (look up!) when mom wrote an article about the history of golf. So I thought since mom says I'm the most athletic pup of all... well, maybe I should see what it's all about!A few days ago..... my daddy went out to play golf at his favorite
golf course. It's very pretty and we can see it from our house and dad said he gets nice exercise and sometimes sees bunnies and coyotes and sometimes BIRDIES (he gets excited about those... and some special birdies called "eagles", too!) out there, and it's all about this little white ball!
While dad was golfing, mom took us on nice, long walkies and we had fun. When we came home, she decided we could all go downstairs and help her in the Quilt Studio! We love it down there -- it's cool and it's where our toy box is! Stormy went into dad's study to probably think serious Supreme Commander of the Ao4 thoughts, the boys did zoomies - from the door to the bathroom, through the Quilt Studio, into the Gallery, turn around in the Media Room ... then repeat!, and I played with my toys. ALL my favorites are down there! Then... the last time the boys zoomed through,
Someone knocked into the furniture and a golf ball fell on the floor! He went to nap in the bathtub (I don't understand that, either!) and Dave went into the inner room of the Quilt Studio to do his Guide Dog for the Color Blind work.
But there it was, on the floor right in front of me ... a golf ball! Mom couldn't see me... and I really wanted to know what all the hubbub was about ... so I played "golf" with it! As you may remember from one of
Zimmie's posts....... I am rather an “aggressive chewer", whatever that is. And ... well... when it was time to go upstairs, we all just
flew up there. Mom walked past where I had been playing golf and found this (look down, please).

Honestly, I don't see WHAT daddy sees in this. Not only did I have a bunch of blue chunks in my poopers (sorry to be less-than-delicate!) and yesterday morning and the morning before that, I horka-ed up the white part. Yuck. I don't like to do the horka-horka-hork! Golf makes me SICK!
Mom thought I should add that I'm OK now and she thinks it's all out of my system. I'm going to leave golf to my dad from now on!
Love, Amber