Who We Are

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

You've Got Mail

Ha roo, pups and cool cats! It's me - Zim! We're sort of late posting today - trying to get caught up with everything after the long weekend - so I'll keep it short!

There seems to be a problem on several of the blogs lately with comments posting. We've been getting email notifications about comments - but then they don't post to the blog! Some show up 24 hours or more later... and others just don't! Anyway, we do appreciate all of you who take the time to read the Ao4 Digest and those who leave comments. Rest assured that even if you don't see your comment here, we did receive it. Friends of ours are experiencing the same thing on their blogs, so we know some of our comments aren't getting through, either! Please don't think we're not reading -- we are! Also, some of the notification emails are being sent to our spam or junk folder -- so remember to check there for comments!

OK - speaking of mail and stuff... here I am at our real mailbox, checking out the flowers:

Me checking out the posies

Mom planted white Petunias and Purple Lady Iresine in there and I've been helping her take care of them. They haven't really taken off yet, but will soon. I'll keep you posted. I rather like that Purple Lady stuff; we've never tried growing it before.

Keep cool, everyone!
Play bows,


  1. having the same problem. Ludo told me if you refresh,refresh,refresh it works. I had some luck with that. Glad you mentioned it - was wondering
    your pal, Morgan

  2. If I was at your house, I bet I could help out by watering the mailbox flowers. I like to water our mailbox, but it doesn't have any flowers. Do you think it is a coincidence?


  3. Hi Zim!! You are so right about the blog problems! It had mom wondering if she really did make a comment or not because it was not showing! You are so sweet to help your mom with the plants. We know that she appreciates it very much! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  4. My Jeannie had the same issues today.

    No worries.

    Loved your pic today, it is good to smell the flowers.

    My J has actually got so relaxed about IT stuff and blogger, she now, when things happen like this, says to me "Marvin, Blogger is having a hissy fit - lets go walkies!"

    So we do, and we forget our stress.

    Marv xxxxxxxxxx

  5. It's not just you guys - sometimes my comment count can be off by as many as 2 or 3 comments, and then comments either show up or disappear. Blogger needs to get their act together!

  6. Great pic! I hear you about trying to get caught up after the holidays! AND the blog problems didn't help either! Oh well, tomorrow is another day! Enjoy your day!

  7. It looks like that purple lady stuff will be trailing all over the place once she gets going. Does she have a flower?

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. Really lovely photos with the pretty flowers, beautiful Zim!...We had blog problems too earlier, but we think it is working better now (paws crossed!)...We have really missed visiting with you all while our Mommy was out of town, but wanted to thank your Mommy for visiting with us during that time=it is greatly appreciated!...Happy week and kisses x3 to our sweet, gorgeous friends=we love you guys and are so happy you all are our friends!...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  9. Maybe blogger just looked to Dave yesterday for a little work guidance.

    oops, sorry, Dave.

  10. Darn that blogger..
    What beautiful flowers you have...

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  11. We are having comments problems too but it seems to be getting better.

    Zim, your flowers are very pretty but we almost didn't notice them because we couldn't take our eyes off of your handsome face!

  12. I sure hope they get it all figured out. :)

  13. Hi, Zim!
    Maybe Blogger did not want to work today!
    Looks like now it is better!
    Kisses and hugs

    PS my word verification is bstinks!

  14. Zimmie..those are some beautiful flowers!!

    Smileys & Snuggles!
    Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

  15. so much to sniff! (:

  16. We haven't noticed any issues posting - the flowers are beautiful!


  17. You've got some pretty flowers there. If I was there, I'd probably lift my leg on them, but that's my way of saying they're beautiful!


  18. The same thing has been happening with my blog. I don't know what's wrong.


    and Zimmie, I don't mind if you print out my picture :)

  19. Hi Zim, Dave, Ammy and Stormy! I'm so sorry I've been a lousy blog friend lately and missed so many of your posts! My human's been so busy making Dead Lines that she hasn't had any time to help me with my blog or visiting friends. But I hope to catch up now! :-)

    And by the way, Zim - I can't BELIEVE that people would call you a "coyote"!!!!!

    Honey the Great Dane

  20. Keep an eye on those plants and do let mom know if they get thirsty. Ish, sounds like blogger is having issues, huh.


  21. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Hey Zim,
    Looking good. Your mom must have a green thumb. Our dad evidently loves Kudzu because that seem s to be all over the property this year. Evidently it a cowboy plant because dad waters it with something called Roundup. Hope you are having cooler tempoeratures than we've been "enjoying" the last week. Please give our best to the rest of the gang.
    - TBH&K
