Ha roo! Stormy here! Hope everypup is enjoying some cooler mornings - I know our cooler temps have got us
mighty pumped up for our morning runs or walks! Yesterday, Dad took Am and Zim running, then Dave, Mom and I
went to find them. It was great fun! Mom and Dad kept talking about getting us "tired" before golf. What? Mom doesn't golf! But Dad invited her to go with him, just to enjoy the scenery and all. Fine with me; I had some
important things to take care of here at Ao4 HQs. Ammy doesn't really care for golf,
having had a taste of it last year; Dave was still having a
minor pout-fest from Saturday; Zim was a tad disappointed, as he thought it would be cool to tool around in a golf cart all day. Apparently, there's some "no Siberians allowed" rule ... otherwise, I'm sure they would have let him come. Mom promised to take pictures to show us, and that sounded good enough!
Here are some of the pix, complete with my explanation of what was going on.
Here's Dad, teeing off - but not
getting t-ed off. Ha roo roo roo!

Nice shot, Dad!
After Dad's tee shots, they'd drive over to the ball, for Dad to make the next shot. Mom would try to help spot the ball, and would say, "Here it is!" Here's one "ball" she found:

Yeah. Well, she said the mushroom looked like a golf ball from a distance. I'm sure Dad found her very helpful.
Zim said we should post some of the flower pictures Mom took. Here's a real Kansas-y one.

Louka! We've got all kinds of cool stuff in bloom! You can see all the pix, if you'd like, on our FlickR site - we set up a
special album for the golf day. We liked this
big display by the main entrance to the club house; check out the cool thingies on them:

They look like something out of a Science Fiction movie, don't they? Zim has no idea what they are; nor do I. We'll ask Aunt Janet and get back to you. Here's Dad in a scenic spot:

I wonder if he got tired of posing like
somepuppy else I could mention? Ha roo roo roo.
Oh! Here's a member of Dad's gallery of fans!

Maybe that's why Zim wasn't allowed to come; he'd want to sit and stare at the "gallery". There's a time-limit on play.
Dad does think about us when he plays. He says it helps him get calm and centered to think about us - and hey, check out the club head cover he has as a reminder!

Mom didn't re-align the photo; sorry. Do the "Lab Look" and tilt your head to the left. Isn't he cute? I thought he was a puppy the first time I met him!
This is Dad, making a really good putt:

Way to go, Dad!
Oh, yeah! And along this one fairway, Mom and Dad met up with these two guys:

Dad is helping go over that one guy's scorecard! Do you know who he is? One of the founders of
Pizza Hut! Cool, huh? That's his house (or one of his houses) right behind them! We have no idea who the other gentleman is. Mom asked and they didn't answer; she said they were a couple of stiffs. I think she just said that to make Ammy giggle. She did. :)
That's about it. Like I said, you can check the
FlickR page for more shots of the landscaping and scenery. Here's Dad approaching the last hole:

He and Mom both had a great day out there. And I got some serious nappin--- I mean
work done while they were out. Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Tail wags,