Tail wags, everypup and kitty! It's Stormy, back with part two of our
Salute to
Eva and Brice. They posted some really cool pictures of their trip
here on Eva's blog - make sure you check it out!
Anyroo, so after Ammy was not really quite done flirting with Brice, Mom brought Dave out. (For those wondering, Dad had been in a golf tournament in the morning, then after a quick shower, ran out to Ft. Riley to sign some papers. He got home just in time to meet everyone! But that's why Mom could only bring us out one at a time.)
Here's Dave trying to say "woo" to Eva. Trust me, he can be a bit overwhelming.
Here he is, giving it another go.

Hi, Eva! I'm Dave.
I don't think she was too impressed. I mean ... she's royalty and he's ... Dave. A heck of a nice guy, mind you, but ... he's Dave.
He had a lot to say when he saw Brice. Mom didn't get any good photos - this one is about the best. Something about the shadows and dark-colored pups. Whatever. Eva and Brice's dad got a much better one that Eva posted.

Dave heard that Brice and Eva were going to see Holly next, and he just kept going on and on about a message for her. Honestly, he's going to meet her VERY soon himself, so what's the fuss? Unless he heard Ammy's take on just how handsome Brice is and was a bit concerned Holly would fall for him. Hmmmm....
So then I got to come out! Mom had told me I probably wouldn't get to meet them because I am the alpha and I must reign supreme and I tend to forget I'm 12-1/2 years old. Oh, puh-lease! Anyroo, she said Eva and Brice were just so well-behaved that she wanted to give it a go. Ha roo!
I saw them from the garage and put my hackles up immediately. I do that when I'm excited and am showing the world I am Stormy, Supreme Commander of the Army of Four! Mom saw what I was doing and said something about I could relax, Eva was sweet and Brice was a puppy. A puppy!?!? Really!?!? I love puppies!
With Eva being a Princess, I went over to pay homage to her first. Mom was right - she's really sweet. Very quiet and calm; I love that in a pup!

As I told you yesterday, Eva's been through a lot lately, so I did some quick sniffies and didn't want to push her too much. I gave her dad my winning smile, then assured him I understood.

Don't worry, Eva's Dad!
Her parents really love her a lot and I didn't want them to worry!
Then I went over to meet Brice! Here we are, about to do smackies with each other!

He's really a fun pup! I loved the head-smack thing! I let him do it again - this next picture is a bit blurry, but I really like it anyway.
I don't let just anypup smack me in the head. Like Amber said, though, Brice is really handsome, and like Mom said, he's still a puppy!
Since I am the Supreme Commander of the Ao4 and all of its Troopers, I figured I'd best give Brice some orders. I mean, Eva is a loyal Trooper and if Brice wants to join up, he needs to learn a few rules. Regardless of how handsome he is! I took him aside and whispered in his ear.
Be nice to Eva. Or else.
He asked if I was serious. I assured him I was.
I'm quite serious!
I jumped him to send the message home - just in play, mind you - but to let him know I meant business!

He pinned those lovely ears of his back...

Yes, Stormy!
...and assured me he'd be a very sweet brother to Eva. Ha roo! Good pupper!!!
I went over and talked to Eva for a bit, letting her know Brice seemed like a good pup and also seemed to understand that she would rule over him.

Mom snapped this picture of her real quick - she really does look regal, doesn't she? Anyroo, so then all the parents thought Eva and I should pose together. Oh, sure, no problem. I know Eva took my
SZK SSS on-line class -
Cooperating for Photos 1. So when the bipeds got their cameras ready... we struck a fantastic pose!

Me (Storms) and Eva
I am SO proud of her! To see a student of mine do so well ... it's truly what teaching is all about!
Eva and Brice - we're so glad you came by! We ALL thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and your wonderful parents! Thank you, too, for the wonderful treats and toys! What an enjoyable day! We're also glad you got to meet Holly and Summi and are really happy that you're home, safe and sound!
Eva, you truly are a Princess. So lovely and elegant, so sweet and calm. And Brice, handsome Brice, what a gentleman you are! Remember to listen to Eva and you'll be a Prince in no time! We salute you both!
Tail wags,