Who We Are

Saturday, July 28, 2012

That's Fair!

... and Rodeo!  Ha roo roo roo!

Ha roo, pups and cool cats!  It's me, Zim!  As Dave mentioned yesterday, the Riley County Fair and Kaw Valley Rodeo are in full swing!  Dave knows how much I love to commune with other animals, so he said he'd guard the house while Mom and I hit the fair grounds.  Is he a nice brother or what?  Mom and I headed out in the morning, while it was still cool.  Relatively cool.

Here we are, arriving at the fair grounds:

IMG_9986 Zim
"Oh, BOY!  How exciting!"

There was lots to see!  I'll show you part of the pix we took today and part tomorrow.  Let's get over there!

IMG_9987 Zim

The first guys I got to see were some horses!

IMG_9996 Zim

I walked by very calmly, just so they could get used to me and to see if anyone was interested in meeting me.  They had a nice area for beverages, so I thought I'd hang out over there.

DSCN4172 Zim
"Meet you guys by the water cooler?"

I don't like to stare directly at animals when I first meet them.  That can be viewed as aggressive, and I don't like to scare anyone off.

DSCN4175 Zim

It might not look like it to you, from the picture above, but I was communicating with those guys right in front of me.  (Mom has no qualms taking me places like this because I am very well-mannered.  She knows I wouldn't do anything to startle or tease the penned animals!)

DSCN4176 Zim
"Are you guys staying hydrated?"

I reminded my new friends about staying hydrated.  That reminded me ...

IMG_9997 Zim
Slurp, slurp, slurp...

Even though it was cool out and we weren't going to be walking around too long, Mom brought my canteen full of water for me.  It was very refreshing!

Let's look around a little more!  

They had lots of smaller animals in the covered areas, but I opted not to go over there.  "Why not?" you might ask?  Out of solidarity.  Check this out:

DSCN4185 No German Shepherds Allowed

That's right - a "No German Shepherds" sign.  Can you believe that?!?  Well, then I won't go over there, either!  Ha-rumph!

Mom and I walked back over to where my horse friends were.  Here are some shots she took of them:

What a beauty!

Mom liked this grouping!

My friends at the water cooler!

And for today, we'll leave you with this guy - he was totally in his Zen Zone:


I'm not sure if he was totally asleep, but he was one relaxed horse!

Tune in tomorrow for the rest of my adventure!

Play bows,


  1. Zim that was great. You sure your not a horse whisper? I like your approach. And I am with you brother, if German Shepherds can't go in then I would not either.

  2. looks like you had a great time. we hate breed discrimination as well. :)

  3. careful 20 against you. Those horsies are staring right at you
    Benny & Lily

  4. Wowee! Those are some beauties. Did you get to see any of your goat friends?


  5. You are so lucky that you got so close to the horsies, Zim. We've never been to a fair. They don't let us doggies anywhere even near the entrance - evil hoomans!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. Horses are great! And no shepherds? That's just rude.
    Play bows,


  7. What a fun adventure. Can't wait to see more pictures from your trip to the fair.


  8. We're glad you got to see your horse friends Zim! It's good they're staying hydrated too. We bet they don't allow German Shepherds because they bark too much. Or maybe only our neighbor one does at 11pm and 6am every day. We're not in the Army like you so we're not supposed to be up that early!

  9. How rude! German Shepherds are grreat dogs. I can't believe they would be discriminated against. Good on you for taking a stand.

    You look like you had lots of fun with the horsies.

  10. Well, I don't think your mom would take me to see some horses as I am not too polite.

    I wonder if I could nap standing up. I might have to try it.


  11. What a great trip! We are always amazed by your Zen qualities around other animals, Zim!

    jack & moo

  12. No german shepherds allowed? That's just discrimination!

    So glad you had a good time with the horses.


  13. Hi Zim, I am Sasha, I was hoping we could be pals. You have a great blog and what an exciting post. You know all kinds of animals. I have never even seen some of those before. You are pretty brave. Please come and visit me if you have the time

    Loveys Sasha
